
Summary: While the devil is swiftly working on producing more and more of toxic poison through destructive writings and leading them into the fantasy world of the devil, when would someone arise to save the world?????

Spooky writings!

Psalm 119:162” I rejoice at Your word As one who finds great treasure.”

21 year old Samantha Shannon who has a degree from Oxford University, is blooming into the next ‘J.K.Rowling!’ I don’t have to give an intro for Rowling who authored the Harry Potter spooks, sorry……books and took the kids and the world into the enemy territory of witch craft and exorcism. Here comes another woman to carry forward the work of the devil; I write this portion with tears! While the devil is swiftly working on producing more and more of toxic poison through destructive writings and leading them into the fantasy world of the devil, when would someone arise to save the world?????

When can we see the next Moses? When can we see the next Elijah? What can we see the next Peter? I am speaking to someone out there! Media, books, are good avenues through which we could reach our children, teens and youth, but alas, not many Christian youth would want to invest their time and produce something fruitful for Jesus! Let me tell you, I have had personal experiences of frustration in trying to persuade the youth to produce skits and Choreography during our long Convention meetings or Youth Revival meetings.

I saw a young woman dash to her seat in the train, carrying loads and loads of glossy magazines in her arms; the moment she sat down, she opened the books and started reading them. As she flipped the pages open, I could see pictures of movie stars and other celebrities with details of their personal life and gossip. She sat glued in her seat with those books for the next three hours! No exaggeration. Such is the pull and fascination for juicy gossip and trash! Not many read my entire message, if I have given a portion of my message, they skip and hop to something else. We are the hip-hop generation, aren’t we? I do get perfect details of how many ‘visitors’ I have got for my blog on a particular day and also how many have ‘clicked’ and read the entire message. It is depressing, considering the time and efforts I have invested to write the piece; I still continue to write for the ‘few’ who press forward to invest their time in good stuff and good reading. Good intake guarantees good output! Are you listening?

Seven to eight years back, during a youth meeting, one particular young boy who got saved through my ministry, walked up to the stage and said, ‘I tore all the movie magazines when Jesus walked into my life and today His Word has become my delight.’ I’ve got his testimony recorded and it has been a treasure for me; today he has not stopped desiring the Word, he teaches at the Sunday School in a big church and sends his tithing faithfully to me. I consider his offering as that from my ‘little son!’

After my intimate relationship with my Jesus, I destroyed all secular magazines and books, destroyed VCDs and anything that smells rotten, that includes even certain newspapers that give obscene stuff. I strictly banned everything that is worldly! I started reading the Bible voraciously – at time through the quietness of the entire night. I have completed the entire Bible more than three/four times during the year and have set tougher targets for myself.

Rev Billy Graham said: “God cannot lie – and from one end of the Bible to the other, He has given us ‘his great and precious promises’. Read them , learn them, memorize them, trust them, and let them grow and bear fruit in your soul. “

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