
Summary: When we speak of stewardship wew tend to think of the tithe but God desires that we be good stewards of our gifts as well.


Introduction: We have come to that time of our year when we again turn our attention to stewardship. I want to challenge you this morning that stewardship is more than money. Stewardship includes giving of ourselves in service to the Lord through the use of our spiritual gifts. When you received Christ as your savior, You recieved as spiritual gift ( I Corinthinans 7:7).


Giving money

Giving supplies

Giving Time

Giving Self

All of the above

Why does God Give us Spiritual gifts?

A. To equip us with the tools for effective outreach ministry.

B. To equip us with the tools to edify, encourage, and care for fellow believers.

C. To provide the means by which we can experience the greatest personal


Winston Churchill - “Give us the tools and we will do the job

I) Use of our gift is expected.

A) It is the example of Jesus Matt. 20:28 & Phil. 2:7

B) It is commanded Gal. 5:13

C) Jesus shows us the penalty of failing to use our gifts

Matt. 25:14-ff C) It is an act of worship Rom. 12:1


1. Do not procrastinate I Peter 4:10

2. Do not be afraid Psalms 118:6 & Matthew 28:19,20

3. Accept tha fact that God has blessed you with at least one Spiritual gift. I Corinthians 12:7

4. No one should expect to have all of the gifts

I Corinthians 12: 29,30

5. He happy with your gift, there are no insignificant gifts.

I Corinthians 12:21-26

6. Commitments means work

Ehpesians 4:12

Discover what your spiritual gift is by using these three Questions as a Guide.

1) Is this conclusion consistent with what I know about spiritual gifts.

2) Is the gift evident to other mature Christians whom you respect.

3) Is the exercise of the gift effective in ministry.

II) Us of our gift is neccessary

The Body will benefit when ALL parts are working properly.

A) There will be unity I Cor. 12:25

B) There will be no discrimination I Cor. 12:15-16,

Rom. 12:3

C) There will be effective outreach Eph. 4:11-15

D) God will be glorified I Peter 4:11

III) Use of our gift is rewarding

A) Matthew 25:14

B) John 15:9-13

C) Ephesians 4:10

Conclusion: It may be easier to sit back and write a check or drop a 10 dollar bill in the plate, but stewardship is much much more. God has given us the best tools needed to do the work of ministry and they cannot be purchased at the hardware. They are personal involvement through our spiritual gifts. As we use our gifts we will become more effective for God. But until ALL the body is doing its part, we will never be the church that God wants us to be.

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