
Summary: Children need Jesus too. We must allow them to come to Him in faith.

Suffer the Little Children

Mark 10:13-16

I. Children should be brought to Jesus. Vs. 13

A. They didn’t just send them.

B. They need his touch in their lives as well.

C. Jesus loves them too.

D. God’s speaks to them (Samuel)

E. Bring them…

-To church

-In Prayer

-In Bible teaching. (Stories etc.)

II. Why do people keep them away? Vs. 14

A. They are too young

B. They should decide for themselves.

Pr 29:1 …a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.

C. They don’t understand.

-Often they understand more than we think

-They can understand spiritual things.

D. We want to dictate the work of God

-We can’t force God to work

-We must allow God to work

E. The just don’t want to be bothered.

F. The Disciples were rebuke for refusing to let the Children come to Him.

III. Jesus said “Let them come”.

A. We must tell them from early on.

B. We must show them the way to Jesus.

-By our lives

-By our testimony

-By our example

-By our teaching

C. If Jesus say’s “let them come’ who are we to refuse them.

IV. They are examples of faith.

A. Not blind faith

B. Simple faith in Him.

V. Jesus received them. Vs 16

A He took them up.

-Into His arms.

-Where would you rather your children be?

B. He touched them.

-Jesus can touch the heart of a child.

-Bringing them to salvation

-Calling them into service.

C. He blessed them.

-God blesses little children

-God blesses child-like faith


In our church

-We must bring them

-We must teach them

-We must not hinder them

-We must love them like Jesus

After all it was He that said “Let them come”

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