
Summary: If we do not entice the Youth of our day to receive an intimate relationship with God the future of our church world is Bleak at best.

Taking Care of a Dead Baby

I Kings 3:16-28

II Samuel 21:8-10

There is no controversy that the future of our world rest in the infants of today. There can certainly no future spring from the retirement centers and convalescent homes of the land. As it is with the world, so it seems to be with the church. The future of the church lies in the children in the card class.

I see fault of the part of the mothers in this passage. It was terribly wrong of the woman to disregard her dead child and steal a living child. She should not have been so careless as to overlay her own flesh and blood. Many times commentators heap disdain upon this woman for her wrongs; never seeming to realize the gross sin on the part of the other mother. She should never have allowed herself the privilege of a sleep so deep that another could steal her child from her bosom and replace it with a corpse.

When the false church attempts to make the baby switch with the Church of the Living God it will look as real as they can make it. The corpse in question before Solomon was a real baby, still warm from being coddled by these two women all night long. But the fact remains it was dead and held no promise of future joys.

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