
Summary: In a busy world, where do we put God in the priorities? This is the first in a series of "seeking first" & prioritizing our lives.

The 3 R’s

Matthew 6:33

Matthew started this verse with a conjunction (joins words or groups of words within a sentence)“but.”

I believe it is inserted here and a central focus on how we can live what He gave to us on what is popularly known as “the sermon on the mount.”

Sounds like a classroom study at school huh?

I. Grammar- right after a conjunction we have a verb;

1. Seek- what mood?

a) imperative (indicates authority or command)

2. What are we seeking?

a) the kingdom of God

1) what is this kingdom?

Romans 14:17 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

*righteousness-(dik ah yos oo nay) equal in character, justification

*peace- (I ray nay) to join in/with prosperity, rest, quietness;

*joy-(khar ah) cheerful, calm delight

*Holy Ghost-(hag ee oos pneuma) most sacred breath of air

b) and His righteousness

1) what is Christ’s righteousness?

the character or quality of being right-wise-ness means essentially the same as His faithfulness, or truthfulness, that which is consistent with His own nature and promises denote an attribute of God

II.Arithmetic- lets do the math;

1.First- (proton) in time, place, order of importance, chiefly

a) shows what priority should be given!

1) when? First, before anything else!

2. Added- (pros tith ay mee) increase, more given

a) its the + sign! What will be added?

1) all these things!

a. which things?

*righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost!

What about all that prosperity? Seek First!


Most people do not understand simple math. World’s math says keep for yourself, God’s math says GIVE & it will be given back to you in ways we cannot understand or reason away. Everything belongs to God anyway, He just allows us to use it! Seek first, and all these things will be added unto you!

b) Gods math; 3+2=4 (3nails+2peices of wood = forgiven)

III. Geography –

1.where can I find this “kingdom of God?”

a) heaven is the capitol of it

b) the bible is the “text book” for it

c) the church is the classroom for it

d) the child of God is the dwelling place of it

2. when will it come?

Luke 17:20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:

21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the

kingdom of God is within you.

3. How can I receive it?

a) Jesus!!! Romans 10:9-10 emphasis on conjunction “and”

b) we can help our stress levels by putting God First.

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