
Summary: The call of god to Abraham to offer Isaac as burnt offering

TEXT: Genesis 22: 1-14

THEME: The Call to OBEY God

(The proofs of the Obedience of Abraham to the CALL of God).

Proposition: Every believer must obey the call of God in their life.

Transitional Sentence: Every believer MUST obey the call of God in their life as seen in the example of Abraham’s life found in the book of Genesis.

• There are many instances that God calls Abraham and his response is – immediate OBEDIENCE

1. The call to separate himself from his country and relatives. – Gen. 12:1 – “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country and from your relatives. . .”

2. The call to go to an unknown place. – Gen. 12:1 – “. . . go to a land that I will show thee.” According to Hebrews 11:8-10 – “By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place . . . he obeyed; and went out NOT KNOWING where to go. . . he journeyed in the land of promise . . . looking for a city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God.”

3. The call to offer Isaac. – Gen. 22: 1-2 – “ . . . Behold . . . take now thy son, thy only son Isaac, whom you loved, and go into the of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering. . .”

• The proof of the obedience of Abraham to the CALL OF GOD that Isaac will be offered as burnt offering.

I. “Abraham rose up early in the morning for the sacrifice” – Genesis 22:3

a. Probably the command was given in the visions of the night and early the next morning without any delay he is very much ready to obey.

b. TRUTH – “Those that do the will of God heartily should do it SPEEDILY; because when we delay, time is lost and many hearts will be hardened.”

II. “Abraham prepared the things needed for the sacrifice” – Genesis 22:3

a. The wood, the lamb – Isaac, the Ass – for traveling.

b. TRUTH – We must always be ready to offer spiritual sacrifices when we come to worship Him.

III. “Abraham did not allow obstacles to hinder his obedient act to fulfill the sacrifice” – Genesis 22

a. He did not share his calling to offer Isaac to his wife – Sarah (v.3)

b. He did not let his emotion hinder his vision when Isaac asked, “here are the woods but where is the lamb for a burnt offering.”(v.7)

c. “Abraham bound and stretched forth his hand and took the knife to offer the sacrifice” – Genesis 22:9-10

d. TRUTH – Oftentimes, when we come to the point of our dedication saying, “I will obey you, Lord!” then unexpectedly an obstacle comes our way. . . .”

• Abraham’s reward in obeying the call of God to offer his only son.

1. An angel of the Lord appeared before him – Whenever an angel appeared in the OT, they are bringing a special message.

2. A confirmation and appreciation of the 100% faith and obedience of Abraham is mentioned. – Gen. 22:12 – “Lay not your hand upon the lad, . . . for now I know that you fear God. . .”

3. An instant replacement of a lamb to be offered was provided. – Gen. 22:13 – “And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his thorns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering instead of his son.”

4. Abraham’s act of faith in obeying the call of God in his life is always mentioned wherever the gospel is being preached.

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