
Summary: America is the greatest country in the world. We enjoy many blessings from God due simply because we live in this great country. As we approach this Election Day, the exemplar of democracy, let us examine ourselves and how we make use of this God given

The Christian’s Political Conscience

Romans 13:1—7


America is the greatest country in the world. We enjoy many blessings from God due simply because we live in this great country. As we approach this Election Day, the exemplar of democracy, let us examine ourselves and how we make use of this God given privilege.


I. Christians have an obligation to submit to the government

A. Our government is God ordained.

1. It works for the good of those who do good.

2. It is God’s agent of wrath for those who do wrong.

B. We are to subject ourselves not only out of fear of punishment but also for the sake of our conscience.

II. Christians have an obligation to take part in our governmental process.

A. During Jesus’ time, the people of Palestine had no opportunity to participate in their government.

1. They were an occupied nation.

2. Jesus urged his followers to submit to the Roman authorities.

(a) Matthew 5:41

(b) Mark 12:17

B. Today, God has granted us the opportunity to play a part in shaping the policies and practices of our government.

1. We enjoy the privilege of choosing our leaders through voting.

2. We should take this privilege seriously and from the mindset of a Christian.

C. Christian Principal and not Political Party should guide our vote.

III. Issues to Consider

A. There is only one factor we need consider to ensure the soundness of this great nation, righteousness. (Proverbs 14:34)

B. Christians must vote according to moral standards and not party lines.

C. Homosexuality

1. How will the candidate vote amid pressure to grant "equal rights" to same sex couples?

2. Will he follow God’s standard or man’s? (1 Corinthians 6:9—10)

D. Same Sex Marriage

1. How will the candidate vote to preserve God’s pattern of marriage?

2. Genesis 2:24

E. Abortion

1. Negligence on the part of voters in the past has made abortion the law of the land through judicial appointments.

(a) Since January 22, 1973, over 44.6 million babies have been aborted in America alone!

(b) In 2000, more children were killed through abortion than Americans who died in the Revolutionary War, the war of 1812, the Spanish—American War, the Civil War, World War 1, World War 2, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the Gulf War combined.

2. Abortion is Murder and Christians must consider each candidates viewpoint when deciding on a candidate.

3. Jeremiah 1:5

F. Values are more important than money or party loyalty.

1. Fiscal policy should not be a priority when considering a candidate.

2. It is God who provides our needs and not the government.

3. Luke 12:15


It is neither my intent nor my charge as a minister of the gospel to promote one political party over another. However, it is my intent to lay upon the hearts of Christians the seriousness of their responsibility. Whether Democrat, Republican or Independent the candidate you support should support Christian values.

Mitchell Skelton, Minister

Midway church of Christ

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