
Summary: God’s common grace is an expression of His constant care for all His creation—His temporal blessings given to all humanity, saved and unsaved alike.

An instance of uncommon grace: In Exodus 16 we encounter the people of Israel in an attitude with which we are all too familiar. They were grumbling. Because they were hungry. How did God respond? With grace. He sent them quail for protein and manna for carbs. And the manna never ceased, day after day, until forty years later the people crossed the Jordan into the Promised Land (Joshua 5:11-12).

Today we may wish we could see the hand of God this obviously at work providing for our needs. But in fact we receive such demonstrations thousands of times every day, without recognizing them. The hand that sent quail and manna to Israel is the same hand that fills your lungs with breath in this moment.

In 1937 Walt Disney released the first full-length animated movie: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Producing an animated movie was a gargantuan task. Disney artists drew over one million pictures. Each picture flashed onto the screen for a mere one-twenty-fourth of a second. As we watch the movie run at regular speed, it seems so simple. We have no idea all that goes into it. Our lives are like that movie. God puts infinite thought, skill, and careful attention into every detail. Yet as our lives run at “regular speed,” we have no idea how much God’s providence fills every single second.

—Craig Brian Larson, 750 Engaging Illustrations for Preachers, Teachers, and Writers

Today we take time to recognize and give God credit for His nonstop provision for our very existence.

1. Common Grace Defined

Definition: God’s common grace is an expression of His constant care for all His creation—His temporal blessings given to all humanity, saved and unsaved alike.

2. Common Grace Demonstrated

a. God provides life and air, sunlight and rain, wealth and opportunity, love and joy, technology, medicine, and countless other blessings on all categories of people—not just on those who choose to follow His Son (Matthew 5:45; 6:25-30).

b. All knowledge and wisdom ultimately comes from God (Psalm 94:10; Isaiah 28:24-29).

3. Common Grace Distributed

God’s common grace is not evenly dispersed (Amos 4:7).

4. Common Grace Discerned

How will we respond to God’s common grace?

a. Worry or peace (Matthew 6:25-34)

b. Resentment or gratitude (Romans 8:28-39)

c. Rebellion or submission (Psalm 95:6-8)

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