
Summary: How do you live up to the golden rule?

- How can humans be commanded to love?

- It’s not about affection but compassion

- Jesus lead a compassionate life (friend of sinners and tax-collectors) and was prosecuted for that

- Teacher to the Pharisees

- 12-year-old in the temple

- Golden Rule: "He who has the gold, makes the rules"

- Shma

- Israel’s creed

- compassionate prayer (golden letters)

- the law is not about rules, but about love

- AS yourself

- How to love that mean neighbor?

- How do I DO that loving?

- Christ’s compassionate life for us: Christ praying for us

- Our compassionate life rooted in Christ’s passion

- Be honest to yourself and your neighbor, in case your whole self is based in the LORD your God

- Prayer for ourselves

- by ourselves

- together with others

- Church Bell Lord’s Prayer

- AS for our neighbors

- Love of God results in love of neighbor

- Christ’s neighborhood is way greater than any ward

- neighbor in church: how do we love one another?

- we pray for each other - can’t do that alone

- we spend time with one another - that is love in action like dating - being there for each other - not just on Sundays

- commitment: this coming week

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