
Summary: Finding New Testament truths in Old Testament Covenants

Genesis 9

4th in covenant- Creation, Adam, Noah

Recap these 3 Covenants

Tonight wanna discuss Covenant W/ Abraham

Tonight we’ll cover some harder material

Don’t want to bore You- try to make it as fun as possible

Thru Abe—promise seed would come

Every promise God made Abraham- is for us

We got Noah & Family- On Mt. Ararat – All of creation is serving GOD

Shortly after the flood- people stared going downhill

Gen 9:18

VS 19

All of creation- traces back to this family- races, colors, kinds, personalities

Vs 20-23

VS 24-25

Could not curse Cannan

Why? He had already blessed them if verse 1

Once you’re blessed, can’t be cursed

All the Arabs nations came from Shem

All the Black nations came from Ham

All the White people (european- asian) come from Japheth

Heard it taught- Southern Baptist- used this philosophy to divide themselves

Black people are cursed - THAT”S A LIE

Vs. 26- Shem’s God was the Lord- of the 3- He had a knowledge of God

God says watch SHEM

Gen 11:VS 10- Shems seed- watch it!

Vs 26-32

Gen 12:1-9

God loves family- I love family- when I mention my family- people get uncomfortalble- God told me that- Get out of BRECKENRIDGE

What happened- Music, filled with the Holy Spirit,- Talk me out of that

When he left- He took Lot and Terah (his dad)

God makes 7 promises to Abraham

1. Make you a great nation

2. Bless you

3. make your name great

4. you’ll be a blessing

5. Bless those who bless you

6. Curse those who curse you

7. All families will be blessed

Every bit of this- hinges on Abraham having a kid- He’s 75, Sara 65

Him and Lot had a falling out

DISCUSS AS YOU READ --- Gen 15:1-21

God cut the covenant with himself- didn’t need Abrahams oath

Just needed Abraham to let God be God

Abraham couldn’t do that- I NEED TO HELP GOD OUT- SOUND FAMILIAR

Ch 16- abe and Sara cook up the Hagar idea

God says- NO Abe you will supply the seed, and Sara will be the womb


Genesis 17:9-22

Circumcision is not the covenant- Sign of the covenant

Vs 17-22>

Still thought it was ISHMAEL

Isaac had 2 sons- Jacob, esau,> Jacob’s name change

Jacob had 12 sons- 12 tribes of ……. ISRAEL

Hebrews 6:13-20

2 immutable, unchangeable things-

Galtians 3:

"I’m Baptist, Methodist, Pentecost, charismaniac-" People don’t know who they are

If we know who we really were- it give us freedom beyond belief

Gal 3:11-18

1. Make you a great nation

2. Bless you

3. make your name great

4. you’ll be a blessing

5. Bless those who bless you

6. Curse those who curse you

7. All families will be blessed

VS 26-28

No black or white, poor or rich, democrat or republican

How do you tell a cult

Isolation, separatist, elitist- You gotta be just the them



But I can’t see a difference

We’ve got to see freedom from religion

We don’t need freedom of religion- we need freedom from religion

Vs 29- We have the promise

1 peter 2:9-10

The nation of God will endure forever

These people on tv- says, "you gotta Abrahams blood to be righteous"

That’s a lie

It’s not his blood in the veins- that make us his seed

It’s the faith of Abraham in our hearts

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