
Summary: This text teaches us that one of the main roles of the holy Spirit is to keep the believer’s soul burning with hopefullness.

Hope is who God is; it is what He does. He is the God of hope. Nature is full of hope. Day follows night... Calm follows the storm... Spring follows winter...The rainbow follows the rain...The Moon rules the night...

The sun veiles the morning cloud...Bright stars claims the darkest nights...There is no hope apart from God.

Hope involves two things:

A. What we desire.

B. What we anticipate.

Hope is directly connected to the unseen and the eternal. That which is seen has no relation to hope. The seen represents the temporal. Hope is brought forth of the invisible womb of time. Faith is the soil for peace and joy. Faith, peace and joy are all causes of hope. Peace is the inner quietness that comes from knowing our relationship with God. Peace is derived from the knowledge that amid our worst trials God will help us. Peace is also derived from the fact that God will bring good from every detail of life. Faith is derived from the Greek (pisteuo) to believe , give credit to. Faith pleases God...God pleases us...The phrase or preposition (In believing)...)is the basis for the whole of Christian conduct. Without faith there can be no joy or peace. (Faith knocks on the door). But unbelief will stand at the door and examine it). Unbelief sees a door as a part of the wall. Faith sees a wall as a possible door. The human side is believing the Word. The Divine is is the illumination of the Word. Faith deal with the unseen present. Hope deals with the unseen future. The word hope comes from the Greek word (elpis) it means to desire some good with the expectation of obtaining it. The hopeful will work while waiting. The hopeless will wait without working. Hope involves three things:

A. Our personal future.

B. Our patience.

C. Our preparation for eternity.




The Holy Spirit guarantees it>>

I. Hope Concerning Self.

It is the role of the Holy Spirit to make the inspiring truths of the Scriptures real and effective in our lives. Christian hope extends beyond this life. The Holy Spirit influence counteracts the earthly and depressing powers by which we are all beset, and make the mediation and the promises of our Saviour effective and helpful to us; so that we are led to abound in hope. I do not simply live in hope; I have hope in abundance. The God of Hope fills our lives with His hope.

Hope is based on our relationship with God..

In Christ...

My God.....

Our Father...

My Shepherd...

My Healer..

My Provider..

My WayMaker...

My Redeemer....

My Resurrection...

My Friend...

My Maker...

My Life Sustainer...

II. Hope concerning Sin.

(All are sinners) The sinner could not save a sinner. It took the SON of God to save the sons of Adam. Jesus conquered sin and its curse. Christ conquered all our sins: (past, present and future). God has removed them as far as the East is from the West. The East and the West will never meet. I am no longer on death’s row.

III. Hope Concerning Sickness/Sorrow.

In everything God is working..Both:the good and bad are under God’s control. My sickness is somehow within the will of God.

A. My life; sick or well is a testimony.

B. God ultimately gets the Glory.

C. My spirit is renewed.

My sorrow is mitigated by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

A. When I am in sorrow, God is present with me.

B. When I am in sorrow, God’s power is available to me.

C. When I am in sorrow the purpose of God is working through me.

IV. Hope Concerning Death.

A. Death is inevitable.

B. Death has been conquered.

C. Death is gain.

D. Death brings me into God’s immediate presence.

V. The Ground of Hope.

A. The promises of God.

B. The inner teachings of the Holy Spirit.

C. My life expereinces of God’s faithfulness.

VI. The Benefits of Hope.

A. Calmness and confidence in life.

B. Cheerfulness and joy.

C. Spiritual insight in the things of God.

D. Patience and endurance amid trials.

C. Forward look in backward situations.

Conclusion: We must never lose the Hope of God within us. Our hope in God is eternal. Christ demonstated on Calvary that nothing can hinder our Hope in the Love of God.

May God Bless and Keep you

Pastor Rodney L. Johnson Sr.,

Historic Bethlehem Baptist Church

Hahnville, LA. 70057

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