
Summary: This would be a good Memorial Day sermon. Take this verse and build a sermon on some other passages.



INTRODUCTION: This would be a good Memorial Day sermon. Take this verse and build a sermon on some other passages.

I The Death of a Son (Luke 7:14-15)

Many parents have had to bury a child. Study this story. Look at the words “don’t cry.” “The son sat up and began to talk.” What’s so odd? Dead people don’t talk! Dead people don’t leave their coffins! Unless – Jesus shows up!

II. The Death of a Daughter (Luke 8:40-42, 49-56)

Study this story. You beg as only a father could. An interruption could have wasted time and delayed him getting there. Note the words “don’t be afraid.” “Believe.” “She will be healed.” He gets to the house and speaks, not about her, but to her. “Get up!” They had a feast. Who’s laughing now? The paid mourners were sent home early.

III. The Death of a Brother (John 11:21)

What kind of friend waits four days when he could have prevented the death in the first place? That’s what Martha wants to know. The knock on the door never came. Not to help, heal or bury! He shows up after the funeral. He bee-bops in after the body is buried and the grave is sealed.

Why do we interpret the presence of death as the absence of God? Here’s a grave question for a grave reality. But old Lazarus’s heart began to pump. His eyes popped. He sat up! Odd: deadmen don’t walk out of tombs! Not unless Jesus calls them!

IV. The Death of a Saviour (Luke 24:1-8)

The grave couldn’t hold Him. Death couldn’t handle Him. Why? He holds the keys to life and death. This is the kind of God you want present at your funeral. If He did it once, He can do and will do it again. See I Thess. 4:16

The same voice that awoke these will speak again. The earth and sea will give up their dead. There will be no more death.

CONCLUSION: Just one question. “Grave, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting?”

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