
Summary: A message about how life's earthquakes impact our lives and the lives around us.

The Impact of Life’s Earthquakes

Acts 16:16-34

I. Life’s Earthquakes Can Impact Our Worship (v. 22-25)

A. Some will withdraw from worship as a result of life’s earthquakes

- Withdraw due to shame

- Withdraw due to bitterness

- Withdraw due to hurts

B. Some will praise the Lord as the result of an earthquake

- Praise out of desperation (Luke 8:47)

- Praise out of extreme faith (Job 1:20)

- Praise out of a desire to be a witness ( v. 25)

II. Life’s Earthquakes Can Unexpectedly Impact Our Life (v. 26)

A. Life’s earthquakes may come unexpectedly

What Are Some of Life’s Unexpected Earthquakes:

- Death

- Illness

- Natural disasters

B. Life’s earthquakes may bring about pain

- Physical pain

- Emotional pain

- Spiritual pain (A struggle in faith)

III. Life’s Earthquakes Can Bring About Change in Our Life & in Other’s Lives (v. 27-30)

A. Earthquakes may free us from bondage

- They may cause relationships to be healed

- They may cause sins bondage to be loosed

- They may cause churches to understand what’s really important

B. Earthquakes may drive us to know God better

- They should drive us to His Word

- They should drive us to a more passionate prayer life

- They should drive us to a deeper worship experience

C. Earthquakes may drive unbelievers to Christ

- The lost may see your faith in the midst of earthquakes

- The lost inquire about the hope that you rest in (I Peter 3:15)

- Everyone can find hope in the power of God in the midst of life’s earthquakes (Romans 8:37-39)

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