
Summary: The Roads We Must Travel - Part 3 of 5 - The Jericho Road

Though there are vast differences in every Christians life, there are some similarities as well.

We may not all be called to preach, or teach; but we are all called to testify.

Not every Christian is to be a member of FBC, but every Christian is to be a member of a local Church somewhere!

Not everyone can sing solo’s, or special music; but all Christians are to "make a joyful noise unto the Lord..."

Every Christians is to be "Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord."

There are differences in our call, and in our character, but there are also some things that every Christian must experience.

There are some experiences that not very many Christians will have.

God may call you to take the Road Less Traveled! But, there are some roads that every Christian will Travel...

The Roads We Must Travel - Part 3

I. The Damascus Road (Salvation) - Part 1.

II. The Bethany Road (John 11:1-7) (Sorrow) - Part 2.

III. The Jericho Road (Luke 10:25-27) (service).

A. Many CHOOSE to walk the Jericho road Seeking Sin.

1. A downward road; "down from Jerusalem" v.30.

> Jerusalem was the place of worship.

> Anytime you walk away from the place of worship, you go down.

> Jonah went away from God, and went DOWN to Joppa; DOWN into a ship; and DOWN into the hold.

2. A distinguished road; "Well known."

> Called the "snakepath" Because it was frequented by thieves and robbers.

> You didn’t walk this road out of ignorance; it is a well known road.

> It was distinguished for its wickedness.

3. A dangerous road; "wounded...half dead" v.30

> Most of the people you come in contact with are wounded and half-dead.

4. A demon filled road "thieves and robbers..."

> No value of personal property!

> No sense of value for human life.

> No fear of divine punishment.

B. Some CHOOSE to walk the Jericho road Seeking Souls.

1. We are to provide INTERVENTION.

> MANY have the "I don’t want to get involved" attitude.

> Let someone else take care of him.

> He is not of my denomination.

> Jesus got involved in people’s needs; too are to get involved.

2. We are to provide the INGREDIENTS.

> "Oil; wine; his own beast..."

> What price would you pay to see people delivered?

> We are to find the wounded on the Jericho road, and help them.

3. We are to follow the INSTRUCTIONS (v. 37).

> Jesus gave this parable in answer to a man who thought he was living right.

> But, Jesus said, there was still a road he hadn’t traveled.

> The road to Jericho, is the road of service to others!

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