
Summary: The Lords Prayer in this season of war.

The Lord’s “War” Prayer

Lord, you are the Father of all creation. You began creation in the middle of Iraq,

(Our Father in heaven)

and all that you made was and is for your glory and your name alone.

(hallowed be Your name.)

Our prayer is that your kingdom would come in the midst of this war. Send your presence by your Spirit. Dispatch angelic hosts to war against dark forces that might have reign in that place.

(Your kingdom come)

Let them dispel the legions of darkness so that the will of heaven

(your will be done)

would once again speak life into that land.

(on earth as it is in heaven.)

Release your word from heaven to the troops in this war as a daily encouragement to them. Provide for them and watch over them. Upload the president and all leadership with your daily counsel and direction.

(Give us this day our daily bread.)

Remind them and us of how much we’ve been forgiven, in order that they might continue to show restraint and humility while dealing with the innocent.

(Forgive us our debts,)

Let them be forgivers and may they receive forgiveness from the people of Iraq.

(as we forgive our debtors.)

We ask they not be tempted to become tyrants or conquerors,

(And lead us not into temptation)

but be delivered from that spirit so prevalent in Iraq.

(but deliver us from the evil one.)

Iraq is part of your kingdom, Lord. It is the birthplace of man and the birthplace of father of faith.

(For yours is the kingdom)

It is by your power and your power alone that nations rise and nations fall. Deliver the nation that they might be delivered to Jesus.

(and the power)

It is forever glory and your glory alone.

(and the glory forever.)


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