
Summary: A message about Paul and Silas’ prison experience, and how we should always be faithful to God no matter what the circumstance.


Acts 16:25-34

INTRO: During one of Paul’s many missionary journeys he and Silas were at

the city of Philippi, and while there, they were beaten and cast into prison.

Today, we want to talk about their short time in this prison and the conversion of the jailor who was responsible for their confinement.


A. They are cast into prison.

1. For preaching the Word.

2. To stop the spread of the gospel.

B. They sing praises to God.

1. Jesus was beaten and Crucified.

a. They might have expected the same thing to happen

to them.

b. Even in their pain, they sang praises to God.

2. They were not in Church.

a. This wasn’t the hour of prayer, rather it was


b. This wasn’t a Church, rather a dungeon in a


c. Yet it was seasonable to pray, and their prayer

was acceptable.

d. God accepts our prayers at any time and at


C. They weren’t ashamed of God.

1. The other prisoners heard the singing.

a. It was midnight, and they were asleep.

b. They sang so loud that they woke them up, even

from the dungeon.

2. We sometimes sing praises in the privacy of our homes

or at our church, and apologize if we disturb our

neighbors, yet others sing profane songs and don’t

care who hears them.

3. The prisoners make fun of them.

a. The prisoners probably were laughing and making

fun of them as they had their devotions.

b. The earthquake came and struck terror among the



A. The bonds are loosed.

1. The prisoners shared in the miracle because of their

good opinion of Paul and Silas.

2. They didn’t try to escape.

B. The jailor was awakened.

1. Probably by the earthquake.

2. He sought to take his life.

3. Paul stops him.

C. The jailor is converted.

1. His salvation is his greatest concern.

a. Before, it had not been in his mind. But now it

is foremost.

b. Not about wealth, but salvation.

2. His concern if for himself, not for others.

a. Not what others must do, but what must "I" do.

b. Concern for others comes after our own needs are


3. He asks not what may be done for me, but what must "I"


4. Willingness to do anything is required.

a. Those who are truly sincere, and desire salvation

will be willing to do anything that God demands.

b. There is no compromise in salvation.

D. They helped the jailor then.

1. They were probably sore, cold, and sleepy.

2. They don’t put him off and tell him to come to one of

their meetings.

3. They help him when he needs help, not waiting until

things are more convenient.

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