
Summary: When we take God’s justice into our own hands it is easy to become more concerned with our revnge than God’s righteousness.

Genesis 34

February 8, 2004

I feel that I should almost begin this message with one of those little announcements one sees on television all too often these days. The following program contains scenes which may be too graphic for younger audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.

The following passage of Scripture contains graphic scenes. Viewer discretion is advised.

However, we must realize that God’s Word does not pull back from dealing with the real issues of life. It is not a sugar-coated text for some imaginary, perfect world. It gets down and dirty in the real world of sin.

1. The Rape of Dinah 33:1-4

There is no nice way to view this scene. It is a horrible and reprehensible act. Shechem forces Dinah against her will and rapes her.

There are enough ladies here this morning according to the statistics for me to assume that there are probably several who have been sexually assaulted. Dear ladies you have been sinned against horribly. I want you to know that we have ladies who have been through what you have experienced and they want to help you. If you have never dealt with this horrendous crime that has been committed against you please come and see me and I would be glad to match you up with another lady who can give you the care and love that you need.

2. The failure of Jacob 33:5

failure to do anything or to restrain his boys.

3. The Negotiations for Dinah 33:6-12

4. The revenge by Jacob’s sons 33:13-31

The revenge far outweighs the crime.

Hamor needed to be punished, but the murder of all the men of the town is a case of revenge gone wild.

Genesis 49:5 "Simeon and Levi are brothers-- their swords are weapons of violence.

6 Let me not enter their council, let me not join their assembly, for they have killed men in their anger and hamstrung oxen as they pleased.

7 Cursed be their anger, so fierce, and their fury, so cruel! I will scatter them in Jacob and disperse them in Israel.

Exodus 21:23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life,

24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,

25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.

Leviticus 24:17 "’If anyone takes the life of a human being, he must be put to death.

18 Anyone who takes the life of someone’s animal must make restitution-- life for life.

19 If anyone injures his neighbor, whatever he has done must be done to him:

20 fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. As he has injured the other, so he is to be injured.

Romans 12:19 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

20 On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."

21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

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