
Summary: The ring is not meant to be a shackle, but a symbol of love that is meant to be forever.

There is meaning behind this ring that you are giving to your loved one. It doesn’t just represent you being married, __________ & __________, it represents that you are loved. The ring is not meant to be a shackle, but a symbol of love that is meant to be forever.

In the parable of the lost son Jesus talked about this love. We see how true this love is when the father puts the ring on his lost son. Did you notice this small thing that the father did? He not only ran and hugged and kissed his son, he not only ordered that the best robe be put on him, but he ordered a ring to go around his finger. The father was not wanting to show ownership of his son, he wanted to show how much he loved his son. Although his son left and spent his entire inheritance, although he came to his father filthy and broke, the father still loved him not just a little, but forever. Most of us know that this story is about how God forgives us and brings us into His kingdom when we humbly come to Him and ask for forgiveness. But what we don’t always see is this small symbol of the spiritual ring that God, our divine Father, puts onto our finger when we come to Him just as the lost son came to his father.

_________ & _________, I want you to think about the shape of a circle and try to find the end of it. You can’t, because it is connected to itself; the line never ends; it keeps going and going for eternity. ________ & ________, have you noticed that this ring you are about to give to each other is a perfect circle, that there is no end to it? Here is where the ring is symbolic. God puts the spiritual ring on our finger to show His everlasting love for us, just as the father did in the parable for his son. The father was showing his everlasting love for his lost son. This ring is a symbol of love that is forever.


(Groom), I want you to take this ring and look at how perfect that circle is. Now always remember what that ring symbolizes as you put it on ________ finger. This ring is forever.

Now (Bride), I want you to do the same, Take this ring and look at how perfect that circle is and always remember what that ring symbolizes as you put it ring on _________ finger. Remember, it is not a shackle it is a symbol of love, your love for each other that is meant to be forever.

Let’s pray.

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