
Summary: • Last week we discussed some of the first steps that are necessary to obtain true prosperity. o True prosperity is the ability to meet the needs of others at any given time. o The Bible teaches us that we can be successful in every aspect of life. o M

a. Jesus asked the rich young ruler to sell what he loved in order to prove his love for God. He had to make a choice to serve God or money!

b. The rich young ruler lack of love for God led him to choose his possessions over God’s love- eternal life.

3. When you love God with your possessions you put yourself in position to prosper like never before.

4. A man that fails to make God his strength will satisfy his own selfishness through his possessions.

(NKJV) Psalm 52 7 “Here is the man who did not make God his strength, But trusted in the abundance of his riches, And strengthened himself in his wickedness.”

D. Precious seed and a pure heart will enable the Believer to live in great wealth.

1. (Old Testament) Abraham sowed Isaac as a precious seed and the harvest of that seed allowed the children of Israel to leave Egypt wealthy.

a. Egypt was only a reservoir for Israel's wealth as they learned to love God even in oppression.

2. God gave Israel great wealth to see if they would love Him with all their substance.

3. Good seed must be planted into the heart of man in order to have a successful journey.

a. Wrong words (seed) will hinder the journey.

b. The children of Israel would have lived in great wealth however their wrong words hindered them from God’s best.

i. If you speak negative, you create a war between good and bad seed in the soil of your heart.

4. A mature Christian does not hesitate to give God what is precious to him or her. It is all God’s anyway.


• All of the laws that govern prosperity hang on the law of love.

• We must always make decisions that line up with love to develop the character of love.

• Kingdom prosperity will always be insulated, protected & shielded by love.

• God is not going to put financial wealth, supernatural power and increase into the life of a selfish person or one that acts like a child.

• Money is a tool to be used for loving God and people and not to be squandered on selfish lusts.

• Loving God with all your strength, is loving God with your possessions, abilities, anointing, influence, power and money—whatever you have that can make a difference in another person’s life.

• Precious seed and a pure heart will enable the Believer to live in great wealth.

• This week, let us make these steps to walk in true prosperity.

• Let us pray.

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