
Summary: How today’s Christian must stay focused.

Overcoming the Struggle:

“The Struggling Christian”

Romans 7:14-25

Rev. B. J. Sims, Jr.


Conflict – “ a struggle, or fight”

Christians struggle on a Daily basis with their own inner conflicts. We allow every little thing, not of God, to disturb our spirit. As well as our mental compacity to perform good works. We have given ourselves to Christ. But we have yet contributed to any successfulness that is before us, due to that old nature that resides in us hindered. We know the attitudes and behavior that Christ desires of us. Yet, we also know how hard it is to live up to those desires.

But is it really as hard as we think. Hence, the conflict we shelter within ourselves. The Struggle between RIGHT and WRONG.

Everyday we wrestle with our emotions and feelings and decisions. Because of the desire to sin that the outer man so possesses.

To do something at the expense of others.

To gain Self-satisfaction by deceit

To give into Temptation (not caring about the consequences)

Actually we can and should be encouraged by any conflict that appears to us.

For if we are truly non-struggling Christians our faith prevails over all conflict.

Phil 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me”

Cause we know our outterman is still sensitive to sinning.

We truly desire to do that which is RIGHT.

For we know the law of the Lord. Rom 7:12

Rom. 7:8-9

Rom 7: 11-12

Why do we struggle?

A.) We lie to God and ourselves! (Story of Ananias)

1. Ananias – Acts 5: 3-4

Lying to God can be deadly.

Negativity becomes a mighty force in ones life.

Eph 4:18 “ Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart.”

B.) Trouble conforming to the Law..”

We as those that struggle with obedience have trouble conforming to the law of the lord.

We will not do what we know to be right, but somehow we try to make God’s word conform to us doing wrong.

Ananias was Greedy. (He got more money than expected, from the sale of his property)

He only gave a portion of that he received. Acts 5:2

Greed is a powerful tool used by Satan against man. Greed, as an adjective, is defined as “ from eagerness for base gain.” Ananias was only concerned with self-gain. He tried making the law conform to him rather than conforming to the law. Resulting in…. Acts 5:5


So I encourage you today.

Not to lie to God.

Not to Lie to yourself.

Do not attempt to conform God’s Word.

Stop struggling for no reason.

Nothing positive comes from being negative.

Overcome that conflict which is before you today.

Heb 9:14 “………overcome your dead works and serve the living GOD.”

God is calling you today. Come forth like Lazarus. Revive thy self from that which you struggle with.

Arise! Arise! Arise!

Don’t worry bout those who speak against you.

I Cor. 3:11 “ For the foundation can no man lay, than that is laid which is Jesus Christ

Praise the LORD!!!!!!!

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