
Summary: This is a bible study on Matthew 3

The Study of Matthew 3

Objective: To receive a better understanding of Matthew 3.

We must first notice that John the Baptist is the key person of this chapter when it first opens up. There were many different types of John’ in the word of God however this John was different than the rest. John the Baptist was the one that prepared the way for Jesus.

Please notice how I said that John the Baptist was preparing the way for Jesus. This tells us that Jesus had not come through just yet. God placed John the Baptist before he sent Jesus, just so he (John the Baptist) could prepare the way for Jesus.

Now that we know that John the Baptist was preparing the way for Jesus we can now answer the next question. Where was John the Baptist at when he was preparing the way for Jesus? He was in the Wilderness of Judea. (Matthew 3:1) John the Baptist was placed in the wilderness of Judea for a purpose. That purpose was to tell the people of Judea to repent for the sins that they had committed. Why were the people of Judea informed to repent? The reason being is because the kingdom of Heaven is at hand. (Matthew 3:2)

John the Baptist was telling the people of Judea to repent for their sins, but that was just one part of reason for John the Baptist being in the wilderness of Judea. John the Baptist was also there to baptize the people of Judea that had repented for their sins or short comings in the Lord. Even though John the Baptist was there baptizing the people of Judea he made sure that he informed them of one major thing. That major thing was that the one to come (Jesus) was mightier than he (John the Baptist) was. John the Baptist told them that the one to come (Jesus) would be able to baptize them with the Holy Ghost and with fire. (Matthew 3:11)

John the Baptist shows you and me one major thing if you pay close attention to this passage of scripture. First, John the Baptist followed God’ command by going and preaching in the wilderness of Judea. Second, John the Baptist delivered the message of repentance from God to the people of Judea. Third, he acknowledged God’ Son before he left the area. Whoever you are, when you are a child of God it is important that you listen and obey God. When we listen and obey God than we will see results that only God can provide. Also, when ever you accomplish something for God make sure you give God credit and acknowledge his Son Jesus. Remember that Jesus is our savior and we are the messengers for God.

Our job as a messenger of God is to get the word of God out to the world. We are to tell people about the greatness of God and the greatness of his Son Jesus Christ. We should strive to get this message across to the world in a humble way, not in a way that we believe that we are better than anybody else. If the truth be told we are all sinners and have come short of the Glory of God.

Even when Jesus was walking among the earth he did so in a humble way. Even though he was the Son of God and he was a perfect man he still walked among the earth humbly. Jesus could have acted like he was better than you and I, and if the truth be told he is. He is because he was born of the Virgin Mary, which means that when he was born he was born without sin. Jesus came to die for our sins let us not forget that.

In the third chapter of Matthew we see one of many examples of how Jesus was a humble man. Jesus came all from Galilee to Jordan just to be baptized by John. Please notice how Jesus came to be baptized by John, not to baptize John. John the Baptist knew that he was not worthy enough to do this, but Jesus instructed him to baptize him (Jesus), and John the Baptist followed Jesus’ command.

Some may believe that this passage of scripture may seem strange (the baptism of Jesus), because John the Baptist is baptizing Jesus, instead of Jesus baptizing John the Baptist. I however would like for you to look at the passage of scripture a little closer/deeper. Jesus only traveled to the places that his Father (God) instructed him to go. Remember when Jesus was about 12 years old he told his parents (Mary and Joseph) did you not know I had to be about my Fathers business? So from a very young age God was serious about following the commands of his Father (God). Well, the baptism preformed by John the Baptist was no difference. I know this to be true because of the words found at the end of the 3rd chapter of Matthew. Matthew 3:17 says, And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

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