
Summary: The third sermon in this four part series that assess your will to let God lead your life

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Proverbs 3:1-10

John Maxwell


Today I want to talk to you about managing the resources that God has given to us. Two Sundays ago we asked the question: Can I trust God? Last week we looked at another question: Am I trustworthy? Can God trust me with the resources He has given to me? And today I just want to share with you what I call the Trust Test. This is a two-part sermon. I’ll share half this morning, and half next Sunday. We’re really going to work through this whole issue of trust, and how we, as God’s children, do when we take the Trust Test. Let me read as an introduction of this message an article that recently came across my desk.

"At first I saw God as my observer, my judge, keeping track of the things that I did wrong so as to know whether I merited heaven or hell when I die. He was out there sort of like a president. I recognized His picture when I saw it, but I really didn’t know Him.

"But later on, when I met Christ, it seemed as though life were rather like a bike ride, but it was a tandem bike. And Christ was in the back helping me pedal. I don’t know just when it was that He suggested that we change places, but life has never been the same since.

"When I had control, I knew the way. It was rather boring, but it was predictable. It was the shortest distance between two points. But when He took the lead, He knew delightful long cuts. Up mountains and through rocky places at break﷓neck speeds. It was all that I could do to hang on. And even though it looked like madness, He said, ’Pedal.’ I worried and was anxious, and I asked, ’Where are you taking me?’ He laughed and didn’t answer. And that’s when I learned that I was going to have to trust Him.

"I forgot my boring life and entered into every adventure. And when I’d say, ’I’m scared,’ He’d lean back and just touch my hand. He took me to people with gifts that I needed. Gifts of healing, acceptance, and joy. He gave me gifts to take on my journey and off we went again. And he would say, ’Give the gifts away. They’re extra baggage, too much weight.’ So I did, to people we met, and I found that in giving, I received. The journey continued and our burden was light. I did not trust Him at first to take control of my life. I thought He’d wreck it, but He knows bike secrets. He knows how to make those sharp corners and how to jump clear off high rocks and do things I could’ve never done if I were in control.

"And I am learning to shut up and pedal in the strangest places. I’m beginning to enjoy the view and the cool breeze on my face with my delightful Companion, Jesus Christ. And when I’m not sure I can do it anyway more, He smiles and, says, ’Just pedal.’"

I think every one of us comes to a place where we ask a very simple question: Can I really trust God? Can I trust God with my life? Can I trust God with my future? With my family? With my job? With my health? Can I trust God with my possessions? I think every one of us comes to the place where we have to cross a line of either saying, "Yes, I do trust Him," or staying back and saying, "No."

I want to say this. It’s at that Trust Test line that we either grow spiritually by crossing it and saying," Yes, I’m going to trust God," or we back away from that line and begin to shrivel in our soul and never reach our potential as a child of God. All because we were unwilling to let God take control of our life.

I’m trying to give you handles, ways that you and I could learn to trust God more completely. I did a little acrostic, and let me just share with you what each letter stands for. We’re going to talk about a couple of them this morning.

T Take an inventory.

We need to be asking ourselves the bottom line question: Do I really trust God?

R Recognize God as your source.

We need to realize as we take inventory of our life, that everything that you and I have right now is a gift from God.

U Understand God’s principles.

Until we understand them, we’re always going to hold back in our trust toward God.

S Surrender everything to God.

The moment that we understand the principles that God has for us; then it’s just an act of surrender.

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