
Summary: This is a powerful message to both the believer and unbeliever about the truths of what happens to those who fall into temptation

The truth about sex/temptation

Introduction: Today I want to talk about the trap of sexual sin.

We have lots to cover so let’s get into God’s Word.

The Beginnings

Gen. 1:26-8

God created us a specific way male and female.

One compliments the other and one is made for the other emotionally, physiologically, mentally and spiritually

Sex in and of itself is not evil/sin

Sex is for 1 man and 1 woman

Sexual intimacy (in to me see) only between covenanted married ppl

Gen. 3 the fall

After the fall man needed covering physically and spiritually because they had disobeyed the only commandment God had given them. Once disobedience came sin entered the world and separated man from God.

You say how I thought neither height nor depth.. keep me from the love of Christ. And God is Love…

God is perfectly Just as He is Merciful. Every individual is given ample and open opportunity to receive the free gift of salvation but it is all dependant upon repentance. –explain covenant-

The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy- pervert

First of all let me say this and I want you to let this into your spirit:

Anything that is hidden is dangerous.

Why does the enemy do this? Because he is the adversary of God “Ha’ Satan” satan is jealous that you get to enjoy your spouses fellowship that you can experience love and joy and peace; he can’t. he is also jealous that he can not make a life, so he tries to pervert God’s original intended blessing of sex to cause strife such as std’s, infertility, abortion, and the like.

How does he get away with it?

Satan classically does a few things

Gen. 3

1. Causes curiosity – “look what you are missing out on”

2. Points out what you can’t have in the midst of blessing

3. Changes your perspective of what evil/sin is to believe the lie thereby acting on it.

What does sin do to the Xian?

1. Rob you of your joy in the Lord

2. Rob you of your confidence with God – Grounded Parents

3. Rob you of your effectiveness in prayer – jn 15: abide in me…

4. Rob you of the mind of Christ – Posture/Programming

5. Rob the effectiveness of your witness

6. Causes discontentment – “I’d rather be/doing”

7. Ultimately cost your job, ministry, Heaven

So what can you do?

Take Radical Measures b/c satan will take radical measures.

1. Job 31:1 and Mt. 5:27-32 make a covenant with your eyes/hands

2. Realize that this is an issue of the heart Proverbs 4:23 and 23:7

3. Recognize w/ God anything is possible he can give you a new heart Ez. 36:26

4. You are not alone – 1 pet. 5:6-10

5. Realize you are the victor

John 16:13 Spirit declares truth to you:

He is the Hammer the breaks the rock

He is your Rock and Refuge

He is your Sun and Shield

He is the Alpha and the Omega

He is LORD of lords and KING of kings

1 Jn. 4:4

1 jn 5:5

Jehova God – healer, righteousness, provider, protector , there, peace, victory

Luke 10:19

Deut. 28:7,13

2 cor 5:17

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