
Summary: The greatness of our God is not limited by space, nor time. He is eternal, infinite, and almighty in power. Nothing is too difficult for Him. He is personal but different from us

I would not have written this sermon if not for a press conference given by a political leader of a great nation. In the press briefing, he said the coronavirus is a test of the greatness of God, or God was testing His greatness through the pandemic outbreak. On hearing, I was taken aback by the shallowness and theological inaccuracies in that statement. I could not believe what I have heard.

Lately, there have been statements credited to God that are off the mark, at least theologically.  The reality is that the Bible clearly states in the first chapter, and the thirteen verse of the book of James that God does not test, tempt, nor try any man with evil. Neither would God use a virus to test the world. Moreover, the prophetic book of the Psalms 48, and 145 speaks of the unsearchable greatness of our great God, YEHOVAH ELOHIM.

It follows then that God using the coronavirus outbreak to test His power, greatness, and His majesty as if He is not sure is absolutely false. Therefore, when any man assert that God is in the business of testing His greatness through a virus, then he is deluded. He is putting God's greatness on the line of doubts and unbelief. Furthermore, he is subjecting the greatness of the Lord to the realm of finiteness. By putting the greatness of God under the radar of man’s wisdom. And God’s infinite power and greatness become questionable, undervalued, and undermined.

Just as the prophet said, "Have you not known, have you not heard that the everlasting God, the LORD Jehovah, the Creator of the ends of the earth faintest not, there is no searching of His understanding". And there is no searching for the Greatness of God.

Knowing all this is a huge responsibility for any believer to abide in the doctrine of God without wavering and doubts. However, the question remains if God can submit to testing His power or greatness through the outbreak of the global pandemic. The implication of this assertion is great and the inference is of equal importance and consequence.

If God's greatness is a subject of testing, then God is not God because there is a lack of His greatness to be rectified. If God's greatness needs testing then God has greatness has a problem. Then He needs to verify His greatness through a period of testing.  In fact, out of such an assertion of His greatness could be found multiple questions that demand an answer.

Though an argument could be made of the unusual demonstration of the greatness and power of God over the gods of Egypt. That was a case without parallel in the world. At that time, the knowledge of the true God needs to be made known to the Egyptians, and to the world. Besides, the demonstration of His power was not an issue nor a contest between Him and Pharaoh. Neither was there testing of the greatness of God through the plagues and the demise of Pharaoh in the flood.  

On this note, whosoever have studied or read books on systematic theology would be better informed on the theological ramification of God's greatness. Furthermore, God's greatness is bound to His majesty. The thought of the greatness of God is one that when known humbles any seeker. It is an attribute of God. Besides being a strong point in the worship of His Holiness.

The Psalmist David in his devotion found in the 144 chapter of the book of Psalms said it better.  He said in the third, fifth, sixth, twelfth, that God is great, greatly to be praised and His greatness is unsearchable. He continued, saying his mouth shall speak of the greatness of the Lord. Besides, he made mention of the majesty of the LORD JEHOVAH associated with His greatness.

Therefore, the greatness of God is a great attribute of God in many ways such as:

It is unsearchable.

It is incomparable

It is incomprehensible.

It is unchangeable or immutable.

It is unchallengeable.

It is unquestionable.

It is unknowable by any creature.

The greatness of our God is not limited by space, nor time. He is eternal, infinite, and almighty in power. Nothing is too difficult for Him. He is personal but different from us. Though we can use anthropological and theomorphic or theomorphological terms to describe our relationship with Him, yet God is greater than all.

Finally, our knowledge of His greatness leads us to bow down in worship to Him. Also to fall down in awe of Him. Moreover, to fear, honor, adore, and reverence His majesty.

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