
Summary: Sermon about the evidence for the Value of Gods Word.

The Value of God’s Word

Psalm 19: 7-14

On Internet

Important Info.

Leaving industrial age. Going to information age.

Well into the information age.

Info increase at alarming rate

Knowledge increases about 35% per year.

Every 2 to 2 ½ years knowledge is doubled.

7000 new scientific discoveries each day.

2/3 of all jobs will be in information industry. Others McD’s, Walmart. Etc.

Were learning interesting new things we never knew before that’s now displacing some old ideas and some old truths.

By the way…..This was prophesied .

Daniel chapter 12 is prophesy about the end times. Read Daniel 12

Never before has there been a time when people have traveled like today

Never before has there been a time when knowledge has been greatly increased.

Place the bible against this new backdrop of information and ask the question.

Can a book that is thousands of years old have anything to say to us today.

Lots of people say NO it has nothing for us today.



Ought to be thrown out like yesterdays newspaper

Is there any value in scripture in our generation

Turn to Psalm 19

Recap: Prev. sermon about bible

Historic integrity

Scientific validity

Prophetic accuracy

Dynamic unity of comp.

Prolyphic testimony

Must settle this issue of the bible to be settled in any other spiritual issue.

Read Psalm 19: 7 to 14

What does it mean; In keeping who / what

What is meant by “more desirous than Gold”.

Its talking about the law of God, the testimony of the Lord, the statutes of

God, the commandments of God, the judgement of the Lord.

All of this is God’s word.

He says there is value to God’s word.

People hate and despise the bible

Twist and distort the bible

Deny the bibles validity

What bothers me MOST is that so many disregard the scripture and have a ho-hum attitude as if the scriptures have no value at all.

Want to show some word pictures in scripture to show the value of God’s word.

1. Psalm 19

Like Food for the soul.

Sweeter than honey in the honey comb

Jesus said its like bread

Peter said it s like milk

Paul said its like meat

God’s word is like food that nourishes. Some are mal-nourished

* Starvation of food does not compare to the starvation of the word of God.

Amos Famine in the land. Famine not of food but of the truth of Gods word.

2. Seed that grows Matthew 13

Parable of the sower and the seed

What is the seed?

Read 18 and 23

Seed produces greater than what is planted.

3. Sword that divides Hebrews 4:12

Two edged sword

Bible just like that It divides

Separate things out

Good form bad

God form man

Soul from spirit

Things of the flesh from things of the spirit

Gives discernment of what side things are on.

4. Mirror that reveals James 1:21

Mirror designed to show you what you are like

Not designed to APPROVE but to IMPROVE

5. Light that shines 2Peter 1: 19

Light that shines in a dark place

Light that guides

Guides us to God

Psalm 119-Light unto my feet and light unto my path.

Put all together and you have “The Value of God’s Word”


God loves you

Plan for your life

Eternal life with him




Calls us to ministry

Etc. etc. etc.

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