
Summary: Two important facts about alcohol

The Viper’s Venom - Proverbs 23:31-35


A teacher was trying to show her class the dangers of alcohol by using a visual aid. She had a glass of water on the table and a glass of beer on the table. In between the two she had a bowl of live worms. She then told her class how she was going to show them the affects of alcohol. She took a handful of the live worms and put them in the glass of water and when she did they just swam about unharmed. She then took another handful of the live worms and put them in the glass of beer and when she did they died instantly. Thinking she had taught her class how alcohol kills she then said, "Ok class, what have we learned from this lesson?" A young boy in the back of the class said, "Teacher I know, if you have a bad case of the worms just drink a lot of alcohol." The sad thing is that a lot of people see nothing wrong with drinking. In today’s sermon I want you to see two important facts everybody should know about alcohol. The first important fact about alcohol is:

I. How Alcohol Attracts You (v. 31-32)

A. It Attracts You Medically (31)

Some abuse alcohol as a medicine.

1 Timothy 5:23

B. It Attracts You Moderately (31)

A Some think it’s ok to drink in moderation.

Proverbs 20:1

C. It Attracts You Mentally (31)

Some drink to temporarily escape reality.

Proverbs 31:7

D. It Attracts You Ministerially (31)

Some think the Bible supports drinking.

John 2:1-12

E. It Attracts You Mysteriously (31-32)

Alcohol sparkles at first but stings in the end.

II. How Alcohol Attacks You (v. 33-35)

A. Through Affliction (33-35a)

It afflicts every part of your body.

1. Sight - Your eyes will see strange things

2. Speech - You will utter perverse things

3. Senses - You will do stupid things (34)

B. Through Addiction (v. 35b)

Once sober, you will seek another drink.


I want to challenge everyone that the Bible teaches total abstinence when it comes to alcohol. Alcohol kills in many ways according to recent statistics. Avoid the viper’s venom and be filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18).

Rev. Michael S. Bowen

Pine Level Baptist Church

Early Branch SC, 29916

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