
Summary: Looking at the real world, and looking for the end of time.Can people be convinced that this world will not last forever?

The World as it is. Wednesday, January 07, 2004 Can people acctually believe that this world can continue to exist as it is for eternity? There are those that actually believe that there is a future for their children and their childrens children upon this earth. Others are not concerned with their souls, they live their lives for the moment and are not concerned for their eternal resting place, if you can call Hell a place of rest. They tell me that these things are for someone else and doesnt concern them. Liveing in all manner of sin, jumping from man to man and woman to woman, leaveing the institution of marrage in the dirt. Lets look at 1st. Thessalonians 5:3, Paul warns.... For when they shall say, Piece and Safety, then sudden distruction commeth upon them, as traival a woman with child, and they shall not escape. Pretty stern words, isnt it? God will not be denighed His due of, Glory and Honor, He will not be denighed His due worship and respect. Today prophecy is being fulfilled, Egypt and Syria are close to a piece treaty, muslums are attacking all non muslum nations ,joing together as one body to attack christian and jewish people.Isreal has invoked the Rabiniac Law, doing away with all other religious laws, learning pure hebrew, bringing back the priest to learn all serimonial customs of worshiping God, reestablishing a 12 tribe nation and the renual of the tribe of Levi. The world is trying to bring about a one world banking system and a one world goverment, trying to establish a one world religion to stop all the violence, knowledge has been increased, weve reached the moon and mars, scientest are trying to find heavan, with no luck, and still people are not concerned with saveing themselves from the end, which is closer than they think.The wrath of God is comming upon this world , for their rejection of His Son, Jesus.Lets Listen to statements from this century; Americans are generious ,strong and decent, not because we believe in ourselves, but because we hold beliefs beyond ourselves......When the spirit is present, no wrong can stand against it. Presedent G.W.Bush, Janurary, 2000., After the Declaration of Independance was signed, John Page stated..... Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm? The Bible tells us, If you sow to the wind, ye shall reap the whirlwind. This world is sowing to the wind as fast as they can and ,brothers and sisaters they shall reap the whirlwind. False religion ,false doctrine, little to no family values left, intersexual marrages that are condoned by some churches.Antisimitist abound, hatered of Isreal and Christianity is everywhere, and people still believe that this world will endure forever in the state that its in. The blind are leading the blind and they both shall fall in the ditch. What is Gods will for mankind? That none should perish ,but all should come into repentance. Its time we started to preach the word with more passion and vigor, time is running short. We need to be a light to the world ,for many are in this whirlwind storm and cant find the lighthouse.Lets go to 2nd Thessalonians 2:7-12., "For the mystery of iniquity doth allready work; only He who now lettith will let, untill He be taken out of the way. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they shall believe a lie.That they all might be damned..... Is that strong delusion allready starteing to come down or is there time left to help others come to Christ, before its too late? Stand fast, remember what youve been taught, never waiver from the truth, stand up and be that lighthouse in the midst of the storm, be what Jesus wanted you to be. Take off those rose colored glasses and see the world as it realy is, we dont Just dress up on Sunday to worship the Lord and let Him go untill the next meeting, we are Christians 24/7. What would happen to the ships at sea ,if the lighthouse keeper took a vacation and turned the light out? Would he be held accountiable for the many lives that would be lost? Yes. Are we no better than that man who would shrug his responsiability, are we not going to be held responsible for our works or even the lack of works at judgement? And why do people stay lost, have you ever thought about it? The answer lies in scripture 2nd Thess. 2:10, ...because they recieved not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. People chose to be lost, thinking that they will be allright, Ive lived a good life, I havent hurt anyone, I love my family, on and on and on they go with their excuses ,on their own self rightiouness and they are still in that whirlwind without a clue of which way is the harbour. Its not going to be allright, listen to the news, many small countries now can produce a nuclear bomb, they are joining other small countries to force the world to give them what they want, holding the world at ranson, holding piece at ransom, Christ said, a sign for the end times was, wars and rumours of wars, nation against nation, earthquakes in divers places, China, Japan, United States, Iran, Iraq, Russia, how much more proof do people need before they accept the fact that this world is doomed to extinction, to a fire that will consume all who have rejected Christ, one time too many? Jesus said that the fire was allready kindled. A fire as the heat of a great blast furnise, fire ,heat, blood mingled with smoke, this world as it is, will be devistated, who will be able to stand in the terable and great day of the Lord? In India, people starve because they will not kill cattle to feed themselves, they believe cattle may be a relative, other nations worship monkies for the same reason, the Bible states in the end days man shall worship the creature more than the creator, its here. You ask, Why do you want to deliever a sermon like this? My answer, To awaken your spirits to the truth of the world the way it is. To warn those that are unruely to get back to God quickly and to plead with the lost, to give their lives a second look and see if this is the state that they would want Christ to find them in when He returnes. We serve the God of Abraham, Issac and the God of Jacob, the God and Creator of all things, visable and invisable, the God and Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ. The chosen one, our High Priest.Think about it today when you go home, are you going home the same way as you came or has your spirit awaken to the World as it is? ars.

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