
Summary: Elijah putting Baal’s prophets to the test and other illustrations of God’s fire revealed.


1 Kings 18:38-39

INTRO: Fire has been used often in connection with the worship of God, and has been seen around God’s people. The angel appeared to Moses in a flame; God led Israel by a pillar of fire at night. When Jesus appeared to John on Patmos, his eyes were as a flame of Fire.


Fire is often mentioned in the Bible figuratively. Other

times it was really a burning, literal fire, which came

from Heaven.

A. Fire was first used on the Altar by Noah (Genesis


1. We do not know where Noah got his idea of using fire.

2. Probably God instructed him to use fire.

B. Fire came from God (Leviticus 9:23-24).

1. Moses advised Aaron to prepare his first offering.

2. God sent the fire to consume the offering.

C. The fire was to be burning forever (Leviticus 6:12-13).

1. The fire was to be kept burning.

a. God wasn’t to furnish all the fuel.

b. The priests were to burn wood.

(1) It took work to prepare the wood.

(2) It took wood to keep it burning.

2. The Church should keep the fire burning. Each member

should realize it takes work to keep the fire burning.

3. Israel backslid, and the fire went out.

4. The fire goes out, when the Church members backslide.

5. The fire was rekindled at the dedication of the temple

(2 Chronicles 7:1).


Elijah put Baal’s prophets to the test. Their God would not

answer. Elijah’s God answered by fire.

A. The fire fell after the work was done.

1. The stones were gathered.

2. They were placed in order.

3. A trench was dug and filled.

4. The sacrifice is placed.

5. Work was necessary.

B. After the work was done, Elijah prayed.

C. The Lord was glorified.

1. The fire consumed everything.

2. God left no room for doubt.

3. The people fell on their faces and worshiped God.

CONC: God is a consuming fire. Sin and wickedness are consumed in his presence. Every one of his servants should be a flame of fire. Samson burned the enemies fields with fire.

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