
Summary: And what happened at that table of grace? Their eyes were opened and they recognized Him. Wow! Now that is Holy Communion

Then Their Eyes Were Opened


Luke 24:13-32

Spring has finally come! Newness of life is all around. Flowers are beginning to bloom and soon there will be leaves on the trees. Spring brings with it an end to cabin fever and boy I am ready to enjoy being able to get out and do things. How fitting it is that Easter is in the spring, because both represent new life.

When I was a young boy, I remember my older brothers going out into the woods in the spring and bringing back a sponge like fungi that when prepared properly was a very tasty morsel. Then one spring they finally let me go along with them to hunt for these mushrooms. I was excited, but to tell you the truth, the farther we got into those woods the more I looked for snakes instead of mushrooms. Even though I love mushrooms, I hate snakes worst. We were walking along and my brother said stop. I stopped and looked at him to see what was the matter and he just looked back at me and smiled. My eyes began to survey the landscape and much to my surprise I was surrounded by sponge mushrooms. They were everywhere!

Have you ever looked for something only to find it right in front of you? My Mother used to say, “If it were a snake it would have bit you.” Maybe that is why I hate snakes! In any respect, when we can’t find what we are looking for, often we aren’t looking in the right place, or we are blind to what it is that we are seeking. Think about that as we turn to our text for today.

Luke 24: 13-24

Read verses 13-18…

Now let’s stop there for a minute. Cleopas is dumbfounded with Jesus’ question and in modern translation says something like, “Dude where have you been? Have you been hiding under a rock or what? The biggest news of all time just happened in Jerusalem. And Jesus asks, “What news?”

Verse 19…Read through 24! Then Cleopas replies… Hey! We don’t know where he went or who took his body or why. The vision of angels said he was alive, but what are the odds on that one?

Jesus responds to these remarks with (verses 25-27)…Hey fellows, read your Bible. There are over 200 prophesies written about me there. The scriptures will tell you why I had to die and rise again on the third day. It was for you and everyone else that confesses Christ Jesus as Lord.

As they…verses 28-29! Notice please something very important here that you probably overlooked. Jesus acted as if he was going farther. He knew he wasn’t. He knew he would be breaking bread with these two guys. So why did he put on an act? Perhaps it is because, even though he knows your heart! Even though he knows whether or not you will enter into his kingdom…we still need to ask. Cleopas and his companion still needed to ask to dine in the presence of the King and so do us.

Verses 30-32…Imagine that! When you read or listen to the scriptures being read does your heart burn within you? Does the word of God convict, yet at the same time bring new joy to your weary soul?

And what happened at that table of grace? Their eyes were opened and they recognized him. Wow, now that is Holy Communion!

We have heard it said that Paul had a Damascus road experience with Jesus and he was instantly transformed into a new creation. How spectacular that is when it happens. It happened to me and I will never be the same because of Jesus’ interaction in my life.

These guys had an Emmaus road experience and it was just as real and just as spectacular. And here is the best part…this experience can be ours as well. We too can have our eyes opened. We too can experience the Risen Savior today. Through a right heart and through Holy Communion!

Lets first work on the right heart! In the tradition of this church let’s spend a few moments in silent meditation. Take this time to ask Jesus for forgiveness of the sins that are in present in your life.



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