
Summary: Many individuals in the text of the Bible had a moment in which to act or react. Today is your day , This is your hour.

But This Is Your Hour

In Luke 22:53, Jesus says to the multitude that had come out to arrest him “This is your hour.” Daily Jesus had been in the Temple; many times, they could have taken Him publicly. But, in the darkness, away from public opinion, it was their HOUR to crucify Christ.

A man named T.D. Jakes once told a young girl that “Now is a defining moment in your life.” All throughout the Bible we find story after story of people who had their OWN Hour, their OWN DEFINING MOMENT.

In Acts 5:1-11,

Ananias and Sapphira had a defining moment. They LIED to God and Peter and they DIED! This was their hour to make a decision. They made the wrong one.

In Acts 8:26

The Ethiopian Eunuch had a defining moment. He met Phillip on the way to Gaza. He learned what he did not understand, he believed that Jesus was the Son of God and was baptized that very day! That hour in HIS life was an hour of salvation.

In Acts 9:6

A man named Saul had a defining moment. Saul persecuted the church. He helped in the stoning of Stephen. But, he met the Lord on the way to Damascus. In his defining moment, he decided to obey the Lord and went on his way to Ananias. He obeyed the gospel, changed his life, and became Paul...the Apostle.

In Acts 24:24

Paul stood, on trial, before Felix. Paul reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgement to come. Felix in HIS defining moment said, “Go thy way...when I have a more convenient time I will call you. According to the scriptures, we have NO record where Felix ever made that call. In his HOUR,...He wasted his defining moment.

In Acts 26:24

Paul is again on trial, this time before King Agrippa. Paul preaches to Felix the events of his conversion. He tells Agrippa what words were spoken by the Lord. “I am Jesus, whom thou persecutest.” King Agrippa believed the word of God. He believed so GREATLY that he !

But in the defining moment of King Agrippa, he said,”Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.” Not quite but almost. King Agrippa died almost a Christian and he died ENTIRELY a sinner.

How about you? This is your hour. You have NO hour except this hour. There is no guarantee of tomorrow. Will you obey the gospel in your hour? Will you make your life right with God? In eternity, you may remember that you passed up the invitation of the gospel.

You need to hear the word of God. (Rom 10:17)

Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.(Heb 11:6)

Repent of your sins and wrong doings. (Luke 13:3)

Confess the name of Jesus. (Acts 8:36-37)

Be baptized for the remission of your sins. (Acts 2:38)

If you have strayed away from the church, if there is wrong in your life, you need to come back to the Church, through public confession and prayer on your behalf. (James 5:16)

If now was to be your LAST hour...HOW WOULD YOU FACE GOD?

The lesson is yours; the invitation is we stand and sing.

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