
Summary: A look at the life of Noah and his qualifications for Hebrews 11

To Know a Noah Like Faith

Genesis 6-9

“Everything I need to know I

learned from Noah”

What can we learn from the life of Noah before, during, and after the call to build the Ark?

I. Before the Call’s Inception:

A. He stood out among a wicked people (6:5):

1. Lust led to unholy unions (6:1-4)

2. Hearts bent towards evil (6:5).

3. Grieved God (6:7).

B. He found favor in the eyes of God (6:8):

1. The Bible says that Noah was

righteous (6:9).

2. Noah, like Job, was said to be

blameless (6:9).

3. The Bible also says that

Noah “walked with God” (6:9).

II. During the Call’s Period :

A. Noah listened to God:

1. The Ark was his God-given vision.

“”Spiritual Vision”

2. Built the ark to God’s

specifications (6:14-22)

3. Loaded it as instructed (7:1-5)

4. Stayed until God said to leave


B. Noah didn’t listen to his mind:

1. He pursued the vision without a

second recorded thought.

2. “Principles of Vision”

C. Noah didn’t listen to his critics:

1. “God told you to do what?”

2. “Rain”

3. “Flood”

4. “How many animals”

5. “Out here?”

III. After the Call’s Completion:

A. They were spared from the demise suffered

by others (7:17-23).

1. The people died (7:23).

2. The animals died (7:23).

B. They were given the world and everything

in it (9:1-3)

C. They were given accountability (9:5-6).

D. God put a rainbow in the cloud (9:8-17).

1. Where do you stand among a wicked nation? Finding

favor in the eyes of God? (Romans 12:1-2, 1 Peter


2. What are you doing about the will of God for your

life?(Ephesians 2:8-9, Matthew 7:15-20)

3. How do you respond to “nay-sayers” in your life?

(2 Thessalonians 2:13-15, 1 Timothy 4:11-12)

4. What rewards are you expecting from God?

(2 Timothy 4:6-7, 1 Corinthians 3:5-8)

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