
Summary: The Hem of His Garment Songs, pomems, sermons on the hem of His garment This is the story behind that statement The Story of a Woman in Great touble Desperation, Determintation, Deliverance, Declaration

Touch the Hem of His Garment

Luke 8: 43-48

The Hem of His Garment

Songs, pomems, sermons on the hem of His garment

This is the story behind that statement

The Story of a Woman in Great touble

Desperation, Determintation, Deliverance, Declaration

Touch the hem of HIS garment

I. A Woman’s Desperation (v. 43)

a. The story of her proble all in one verse

i. She had an incurable disease (sickness)

ii. She had spent all on the physicans

iii. She was cermonially unclean

1. Cut off from society and religious worship Lev 15:19-33

2. She had even ben divorce for the law required it Lev 15: 25-27

a. Imagine a woma’s having to live with shame of being divorced because of a medical problem

b. Physically Desperate, her health was gone

c. Financially Desperate, her money was gone

d. Spiritually Desperate, she could not enter into the temple

e. She is a picture of all people

i. Physically, we are ever moving toward death

ii. Financially, money cannot buy ones needs

iii. Spiritually, sin separtaes us from God

II. A Woman’s Determintation (v. 44)

a. “Came behind and touched the border of His garment.”

b. Things to discourage her from coming to Jesus

i. The great crowd of people milling about Him

ii. The attitude of His disciples

iii. The importance of His mission

iv. Her own appearance: Pale and Poor

c. Still she pressed through to Jesus

III. A Woman’s Deliverance (v. 45-46)

a. Her deliverance came form contact with Jesus

b. That touch of His garment was the touch of FAITH (v. 48)

c. She exercised far greater faith than she thought she could.

d. She got more than she came for

i. Her illness was healed

ii. Jesus allowed the woman to be healed in order to help her in her embarrassment. However, secret discipleship was impossible . She had to confess her deliverce.

iii. She became a child of God: “Daughter, Go in peace!”

1. This is the only time Jesus ever called a woman, “DAUGHTER” what a distinct privilege. It ment she had become a child of God’s

IV. A Woman’s Declaration (v. 47)

a. “Who touched me?” Did Jesus know?

b. Many surround Chirst who do not touch Him

c. Notice her simple testimony, She told why she had touched Hom and how she was healed immediately

d. Her testimony still heard today


Press through to Jesus

The fear of what otheres will say

What if this woman had not pressed through

Come with your need to JESUS

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Jeff Strite

commented on Jan 28, 2008

Ordinarily, I don't find outline sermons helpful... but Mr. Fry's grouping of her physical, financial and spiritual desparation spoke to me.

Bryne Saurombe

commented on Jun 10, 2008

that is what the world is surrender to is still desparetly clinging to his own knowledge instead of clinging to God in totality.thats a great sermon

Lisa Josleyn

commented on Jan 21, 2014

I feel like this woman because I have diseases with no cures, and I find myself just like her...determined to fight the crowds, which to me are discouragement. I not only reach out to touch the hem of His garment, but cling on to it ever so tightly, unable to let go. He is what gives me strength and hope each new day. And I praise God for His compassion and mercy upon me. This outline for the sermon is very powerful to me. I wish there was a way to read this entire sermon.

Owen Kurth

commented on Sep 30, 2017

Leviticus 15: 25-27 is no grounds for DIVORCE - She is unclean - until she is clean. Your words as above She had even ben divorce for the law required it Lev 15: 25-27 a. Imagine a woma’s having to live with shame of being divorced because of a medical problem You have justified divorce while talking about getting desperate about being in God's presence, bad job in misleading people

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