
Summary: Man plants the seeds of the kingdom and God causes the growth.

Umbrella Faith

Mark 4:26 – 34

Intro: PASTOR: “There is nothing we can do but pray for rain. Go home, pray, believe and come back next Sunday ready to thank God for sending rain.

NEXT SUNDAY PASTOR: “We can’t worship today because you do not believe.”

MEMBER:”Pastor, we prayed and we do believe.”

PASTOR: “Then, where are your umbrellas?”

I. Two parables about seeds: seed growing by itself / the mustard seed.

A Only here in Mark. VS. 26 “The kingdom of God is as if SOMEONE would scatter seed on the ground.

B. Man Scatters – We are responsible for planting seeds of faith that will grow the kingdom of God.

II. VS. 28 Jesus speaks of the kingdom of God and how it grows.

A (automate: literally, without human effort. Can we just sit back and let God do all the work? The seed that grows the kingdom of God must be sown for it to grow.

B. We cannot make seeds grow. But we CAN plant the seeds. That is OUR part in the growth of the kingdom.

III. Mark goes on to tell the parable of the mustard seed. VS. 30 – 34 (MT. 13: 31-32 / LK 13: 18 - 19)

A This parable invites us to imagine the smallest seed which can become as tall as a one-story house.

B There are countless little things from which the kingdom of God can grow in this place: a hug, an encouraging word, or an invitation. LITTLE THINGS! Plant the seeds and let God grow the kingdom. If you are not planting seeds, how can the kingdom of God grow in this place.

Conclusion: Glory to God, pg 250 “In The Bulb There Is A Flower.

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