
Summary: Biblical warnings, instructions and reminders for every Local Church in order to avoid divisions and deceptions authored by the Devil.

All victories, past, present and future are

Christ’s. What a wonderful Savior we have. What a

great honor and privilege to be a part of His

glorious victory over the adversary. God’s

excellent superiority over the devil has been

seen through the ages. God also wants His power

to be displayed marvelously by His blood-redeemed

children as a living proof of His mighty working.

The Devil is the father of all lies and the

author of confusion. Since the beginning, he

wants people to be deceived and to be destroyed

through his false and destructive teachings. It’s

so sad, but it’s true, that he is leading many

lost souls to hell daily and he is so happy about

it. He is also busy enticing many Christians

to get involved in his works of darkness as he

subdue their desire to win souls for the Lord and

Savior Jesus Christ. We must be aware that God

wants us to be a part of His plan and not a

partaker of the Devil’s strategies.

In Romans 16:17-20, Apostle Paul reminded the

believers in Rome concerning their awaited and

glorious victory over Satan. He also gave

important instructions on how to avoid

questionable people who are not really serving

God but who have some other interests in life. He

warned them about the deceitful words and

impressive speeches of crafty men. As he noticed

their amplified submission to their teachings

which gained his confidence in them, he also

emphasized the needs of godly wisdom and meekness

in their Christian life.

As we march and tread our enemies, our

ultimate victory and much loved peace are yet to

come. The God of peace will give us our awaited

victory through His power and abundant grace.

Focusing our hearts and minds on verses 17-20

gives us a better view and understanding on how

to move wisely and victoriously against our

adversary, the Devil.

(I) Mark And Avoid Those Who Don’t Follow

Biblical Doctrines

Romans 16:17

-People who create divisions and offenses

contrary to the doctrine

The presence of questionable people in every

Christian congregation creates disorderliness

among the members. It is wise then to mark and

avoid them before it’s too late to handle. We

count it a blessing to realize that what Paul

said to the Ephesians is still very relevant to

our time. What an expression of love and care

when he warned them and said, “Take heed

therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock,

over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you

overseers, to feed the church of God, which he

purchased with his own blood. For I know this,

that after my departing shall grievous wolves

enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also

of your own selves shall men arise, speaking

perverse things, to draw away disciples after

them. Therefore watch, and remember, that by the

space of three years I ceased not to warn every

one night and day with tears.” Acts 20:28-31

(II) Watch And Avoid Deception

Romans 16:18

-Deceitful people

-Deceitful words and fair speeches

* consider I Corinthians 2:1-5

Many believers are easily impressed by

speakers with magnetic personality and fluency in

speech, yet unmindful of the spiritual contents

of what they hear. They don’t even check what the

Bible says. We must be watchful and prayerful.

Satan’s deception can be perceived through the

help of the Holy Ghost. What a blessing to hear

preachers and teachers saying, "Thus saith the

LORD!" or "That’s what the Bible says!"

(III) Be Wise

Romans 16:19

-Wise unto that which is good

-Harmless concerning evil

Matthew 10:16

True wisdom comes from God and can be asked

for. To some people, the value of wisdom is yet

to be understood. Men who fear God know the

preciousness of spiritual wisdom and they really

love her more than silver and gold. Wisdom is a

must-have to every believer.

(IV) Wait And Use The Power Of God

Romans 16:20

-Trust in the Lord

-Wait for His wonderful working

through our lives

-Live by the grace of God

The threatening forces of evil seem too strong

for us to face, but cheer up for He who is with

us is surely stronger than all the enemies of

Truth. As we put our trust in the Lord and wait

for His breathtaking deliverance, we will realize

we cannot do anything without Him, but through

Him we are more than conquerors. Through the

grace of God, we are on the winning side. Through

our eyes of faith, we could see our awaited and

glorious victory with our Lord and Savior Jesus


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