
Summary: Walking in the Light means to "Act According To His Word" - Implementing Four Actions from 1 Jn 1:7 ❶ CHANGE - Walk ❷ SEE - Light ❸ KNOW - Fellowship ❹ EXPERIENCE - Blood

The Pew Forum On Religion & Public Life - SURVEY

Who Achieves Eternal Life?

65% - Many religions can lead to eternal life

29% - My religion is the one true faith to eternal life

6% - Don’t know/refused

eHow - How to do just about everything

How to Choose a Religion That Is Right for You

Their Intro.

Religion has always been a touchy subject for a lot of people. Many people are born into a certain religion so they stay because it is the only thing that they know......

Their Instructions

1. Read everything that you can.

- You be the judge

2. Ask as many questions as you possibly can

- You will not know the answers to your ailments until you put your questions out on the table.

3. Analyze your beliefs.

- You will be able to know in your heart what you feel to be right.

4. Pray to a higher power.

- You will get a pull in one way or another

- Remember your heart will never lie to you.

Jeremiah 17:9KJV

9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

YAHOO! Answers (Just their name should be a clue to their answer)

- Resolved Question - Which religion is the right one?

- Best Answer Chosen by Voters

38% - Given 4 years ago

None. There is no God.

Religion is a primitive attempt at understanding how the world works. It has been completely replaced by the Scientific Method, which is the greatest discovery of all time.

There is no more evidence for the existence of God than there is for the existence of leprechauns. Better to spend our time enjoying our wonderful world and helping our fellow beings instead of arguing about which brand of imaginary supernatural friend is the "right one".

Take a Quiz

- Myspace Quiz — Belief-O-Matic — Quiz farm

Wiki Answers How do you know which religion is right for you?

- Their Answer: ... The real question is not what I think but what does God think?

Proverbs 14:12Proverbs 16:25

12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

1 John 1:7KJV

7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.


1 Jn 1:7 - Implementing Four Actions


Walk — CHANGE-

- Staying where we are without a decision is death

- Walking infers:





Light — SEE

Light needs a source

Removes Darkness

Illuminates & Revels

Gives Life

Makes Things Sparkle

Fellowship — KNOW

Means Being Impacted by Him

Means Being Taught by Him

Means Trusting Him

Means Walking With Him


By the power of His blood, we will receive









The HP Heartstream ForeRunner automatic external defibrillator recently was used to save the life of a passenger on an American Airlines flight from Boston to Los Angeles.

Michael Tighe, 62, a communications director for the Boston Public Health Commission, passed out when his heart began fibrillating wildly and was no longer able to pump blood to his brain.

He was dead, said his wife, Dolores Tighe, a nurse who was sitting beside her husband, according to an Associated Press story. He wasn’t breathing and he had no pulse.

Flight attendants used the ForeRunner AED on Mr. Tighe and restored his heart to a normal rhythm in about four minutes.

If American Airlines had not implemented an AED program in its workplace, this story may have ended much differently - perhaps tragically. Thankfully, the airline began carrying AEDs 18 months ago.

Since that time, crew members have used the device to shock six passengers, three of whom survived. Mr. Tighe, however, is the first person whose life actually has been saved in-flight. -Kathy Rogers, Thanks to workplace defibrillator program, 62-year old man is alive today, November 11, 1999


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