
Summary: A Study in First Peter

1 Peter 1:17-21

Suffering from Happiness –

We are strangers! Pt. 2

I. A short summery of the Christian faith. Vss.18-21

A. Redemption vss. 18-19

B. Revelation vs. 20

C. Resurrection vs. 21

II. Redemption as seen through-out the Bible

A. Redemption as seen in Genesis

B. Redemption as seen in Exodus

C. Redemption as seen in Leviticus

D. Redemption as seen in Joshua

E. Redemption as seen in Ruth

F. Redemption as seen in Psalms

G. Redemption as seen in Obadiah

H. Redemption as seen in Jonah

III. Why is it repeated so much?

A. To remind you God has not changed the promise

B. To remind you of the hope we have in Jesus

C. To remind you that God is the same in all ages

a. Hebrews 1:1-2

A. Four things to understand about the Son

1. He is the radiance of God’s glory

2. He is the exact representation of his being

3. He sustains all things by his powerful word

4. He provided for purification from sins and then sat down at the right had of the Majesty in Heaven.

II. Redemption as seen throughout the Bible

• Redemption as seen in Genesis

1. Seed of the woman 3:15

2. Skin of the beasts 3:21

3. Abel’s blood sacrifice 4:4

4. Entrance into the ark for safety 7:1,7

5. Melchizedek 14:18

6. Promise of a Son 15:4

7. Offering of Isaac 22:10

8. Joseph 37-ff

• Redemption as seen in Exodus.

1. Moses

2. The Passover

3. Manna and Water

4. The Tabernacle

5. High Priest

6. Cloud

• Redemption as seen in Exodus

1. Take a spotless lamb 12:5

2. Apply the blood 12:7

3. Eat the lamb 12:8

4. Remove the leaven 12:8

5. Cook the lamb by fire 12:8-9

6. Be ready to leave 12:11

7. Angel of death 12:12

• Redemption as seen in Exodus

The Ark held:

1. Manna Christ the life sustained

2. The Ten

Commandments Fulfilling the law

3. Aaron’s Rod Resurrected Redeemer

4. Mercy Seat Christ only way

• Redemption as seen in Leviticus

1. Burnt offering 1:1-17

2. Meal offering 2:1-16

3. Peace offering 3:1-17

4. Sin offering 4:1-5:13

5. Trespass offering 5:14-6:7

6. High Priest 8:1-9:24

D. Redemption as seen in Joshua

Joshua 1:1-3

• Book of the Law 1:8

• Scarlet cord 2:21; 6:22-23 Matt 1.5

• Ark in the Jordan 3:15-16

• Land still to be taken 13:1

• City of refuge 20:1-9

• Redemption as seen in Ruth

1. Kinsman Redeemer is:

Must be related by blood

Protects needy members of the family

To redeems family who has been sold into slavery

Must be able to pay the price

Must be willing to redeem

Must be free (himself)

• Redemption as seen in Psalms

Jesus Christ, the King (portrayed in Matthew)

2 – Christ is rejected as King by the nations

18 – Christ is Protector and Deliver

20 – Christ provides salvation

21 – Christ is given glory by God

24 – Christ is King of Glory

47 – Christ rules in His kingdom

110 – Christ is King/Priest

132 – Christ is enthroned

• Redemption as seen in Psalms

Jesus Christ, the Servant (portrayed in Mark)

17 – Christ is the Intercessor

22 – Christ is the dying Savior

23 – Christ is the Shepherd

40 – Christ is obedient unto death

41 – Christ is betrayed by a friend

69 – Christ is hated without cause

109 – Christ loves those who reject Him

II. Redemption as seen throughout the Bible

• Redemption as seen in Psalms

Jesus Christ, the Son of Man (portrayed in Luke)

8 – Christ is a little lower than angels

16 – Christ’s resurrection is promised

40 – Christ’s resurrection is realized

II. Redemption as seen throughout the Bible

• Redemption as seen in Psalms

Jesus Christ, the Son of God (portrayed in John)

19 – Christ is Creator

102 – Christ is eternal

118 – Christ is the Chief Cornerstone

II. Redemption as seen throughout the Bible

G. Redemption as seen in Obadiah

II. Redemption as seen throughout the Bible

• Redemption as seen in Obadiah

The Judge of the nations vss. 15-16

The Savior of Israel vss. 17-20

Possessor of the Kingdom vs. 21

• Redemption as seen in Jonah

Jonah is the only prophet that Jesus likens to Himself. (see Matthew 12:39-41) Jonah’s experience is a type of death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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