
Summary: The lack of understanding of what it means to be a new creature, of our place in Christ, and an understanding of Righteousness are most important to the body of Christ.

What Hinders our Faith?

Part 1

Foundation Scripture: 1 Timothy 6 v 12

KEY TRUTH: The only fight the believers fight is the GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH.

KEY TRUTH: The Bible calls it a GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH because Jesus whipped the devil at the cross, in hell and rose the victor over him.

1) The lack of understanding of what it means to be a new creature.

a)2 Corinthians 5 v 17

b)A failure to understand what it means to be a new creature in Christ hinders our Faith.

c)1 John 5 v 13

d)When you know what you possess because of your inheritance in Christ, and who you are I Christ, it makes all the difference in the world to your faith life.

2) A lack of understanding of our place in Christ.

a)New Testament – underline all the scriptures that say “In Christ” “In Whom” “In Him”

b)This is who I am in Christ

c)This is what I have in Christ

d)1 John 4 v 4

e)Colossians 1 v 13

3) A lack of understanding of Righteousness.

a)James 5 v 16


c)James 5 v 17

d)Elijah was subject to like passions as we are

e)2 Corinthians 5 v 21

f)The blood of Jesus did not just cover our sin.

g)It also cleanses us from all sin and in the new birth we become righteous new creatures in Christ.

h)The sins of our past life were blotted out by the blood of Jesus.

i)God said He would not remember our transgressions ant more.

j)Psalm 103 v 12

k)Isaiah 43 v 25

KEY TRUTH: If He does not remember them, then why should we???

l)1 John 1 v 9

m)God does two things for the believers when they ask for forgiveness.

1)The Lord forgives him

2)The Lord cleanses him from all unrighteousness.

Part 2 will follow.

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