
Summary: Why does God make those who are trying to serve Him wait indefinitely for Him to answer?

- Luke 1:5-7.

- Zechariah was a priest, an insider.

- Elizabeth was also of Aaronic descent (v. 5), so they were the insider family.

- They were both righteous people (v. 6).

- But they were childless and old (v. 7).

- Now, we know that God has a miracle in the form of the birth of John the Baptist in the offing, but that would not have been consolation for them for all those years.

- We’re not very good at waiting.

What We Do When We’re Waiting:

1. We worry about our situation.

2. We whine about God’s tardiness.

3. We work out our own answers to the problem.

What’s Going On With The Waiting?

1. Accept that some things have to be received rather than achieved.

- Luke 1:13, 17.

2. Let your faith grow.

- Luke 1:18, 38.

3. Hold onto God’s knack for good timing.

- Luke 1:26-28.

4. Find comfort in knowing you’re not the first.

- Luke 1:5-7.

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