
Summary: Get busy living or get busy dying. We can live with adversity or let adversity live us.

When Things Don’t Make Sense

It doesn’t make sense to try to and figure out the way things happen. We know He said that our ways are not His ways, and who can understand the mind of the Lord? We hear the whisper of His voice, and we have a choice to get out of the boat and walk on the water with Him in the midst of the storm or let the storm get the best of us.

Get busy living or get busy dying. We can live with adversity or let adversity live us. I need to listen to this as much as the next guy. I’m but a man who has failures as well as anyone, and I must get my bearings by looking to the center, and He always gets me back on track. It isn’t easy, and it’s painful, like I’m barefoot walking on a rocky road, but then He leads me beside the still waters, and I forget the rocks. I look into His eyes, and loose the pain, just for a moment. One day at a time unless it’s really hard, then one hour or one minute. Keep your eye on the target, Jesus, and what He’s set before you. Then forget the rest, the distractions of Satan that will consume your time, and waste your life.

This life is but a vapor, and how disappointed God will be for some who had a gift from heaven and wasted it on distractions and bitterness. We can get back up after we sin or let the sin keep us down until we decide not to get back up again. Oh God don’t let me become a spiritual cripple. Not physical but spiritual, physical is out of our control unless we presume to have more control than God, even if we don’t understand why He allows it.

Like I said, we don’t have all the answers why bad things happen, except we live in a fallen world and bad things happen, because of sin. There are physically paralyzed people that are of more use to God that many physically strong that are spiritually paralyzed. Physically fit is of limited value, but spiritually fit is so much more useful, and isn’t the vanity of the world transparent? The world is so addicted on the outward appearance, and they spend a fortune on doctors creating something that might look good, but it does nothing for God. He doesn’t care about the outward, only the inward that is dark and hidden or so we think that it’s hidden.

We can hide from man but not God. He knows all our thoughts before we even think them. And I’m so ashamed of some of mine. It just goes to show me how infallible I am, and how much I need Him, and am so grateful that He will never leave me nor forsake me. He remains faithful even when we are unfaithful. Repent when we need to, and then get back to it. Do what He created you to do, and do it to the utmost for His highest. What is our utmost? What your gifts are. Your journey is always rapped around your gifts.

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