
Summary: Why tithing is important.

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Intro. Today is All Tithe Sunday. This year in Stewardship, I did not teach a lot on what the Tithe is. Some disregard it, some scoff at it, but the tithe is an acknowledgment that we believe God provides all we have, and that God is faithful to us. The tithe is the first part of what God allows us to have. To hold back tithes and offerings from the Lord is a disgrace for any that claim to be saved. God has been good to us. 1Co 16:2 "Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come." God’s work is provided for by God’s people.

In our text, we find that David is at the end of his life. David had a desire to build the Temple. He would not be allowed to do the task he desired - SO HE WOULD PROVIDE FOR IT! What a great attitude toward the Lord! God told him NO, and David said, then I will give! WHY?

- In a world that scoffs at our Gospel, Why do we do what we do?

- In a society that is empty of any answers, Why do we do what we do?

- In a culture that is void of morality, Why do we do what we do?

Sometimes things do not turn out like we want them to, or expect, so

WHY do we push forward and do what we do? Hopefully, as we look at David today, we can answer that question. David had been told that he would not be allowed to do what he wanted to do, yet he did not give up.

I. The Perception that He Expressed - vs. 1

A. The Recognition of what we Do - The Work is Great

1. It is Great because of our God.

2. It is Great because of His Gifts - he has enabled us.

3. It is Great because of Grace.

- Grace to be saved

- Grace to serve

- Grace to give

- Grace to Tell!

God still saves, and we have the message. That is why we do what we do.

B. The Realization of Why we do it - The Work is for God- We do all we do FOR HIM! Col 3:23 "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;" Romans 14:8 "For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s."

When we get to the point that we are doing the work of God for us, we will lose our focus and our joy. BUT if we can just keep our faith’s eyes on heaven we will never lose site of the GREAT WORK that is for a GREAT GOD!

II. The Passion that He Exhibited - vs. 2-3 David exhibited genuine devotion to God. He offered his possession, his abilities, everything he was.

A. A Devoted Person will offer with Determination - vs. 2 “all my might”

When we genuinely love Him, we will do our best! Yes, we fall short, but we can get up and give our service and giving to the Lord with everything we are and have!

B. A Devoted Person will offer with Willingness (Vs. 5,6,9,14,17; 28:9)

When the Lord gave of Himself, He did so “counting it all joy”. This certainly should mark our giving. Jesus gave all for us willingly, why shouldn’t we?

1. The Determination of His Heart.

- The Direction of His Love - He set his AFFECTION toward God.

It’s time we turn our hearts toward God again.

- The Demonstration of His Love - of mine own proper.

He dared not rely on someone else giving for him. This was personal

We do what we do because the Work of God is personal to us.

When it is really personal, there is a passion we will have for God’s work.

2. The Degree of His Actions - with all my might.

Half hearted service is producing a weak Christianity and is killing our society. Psalms 119:2 "Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart."

C. A Devoted Person will offer with Sincerity - perfect heart means without hypocrisy. (V. 9) verse - Philippians 1:10 "That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ;" sincere - genuine, literally

without wax. In Christ’s day, a woman puts hot water into a brand new clay pot, and in a few seconds it shatters. She had bought a bad piece of pottery. The merchant had tried to hide a crack with wax that once melted isn’t noticeable. But the hot water had revealed that wax job!

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