
Summary: Jesus told us to "go into all the world", however everyone must do their part. Here are four componets of world missions.


Matthew 28:18-20

We are told to reach the world for Christ.

Win them

Baptize them

Teach them.

Missions involve four components.

I. Somebody has to go.


-Into all the world

-Next door

-Across the street

-In the work place

-In school

-Our city, state,

-Our nation

ACTS 1:8

-The whole world.



II. Somebody has the send. Acts 13:1-4

A. The Church

B. The Holy Spirit

III. Somebody has to give. 1 Corin. 16:1-4

-So do ye….

-Lay by in store as God has prospered.

-Faith promise giving

-Taken to Jerusalem

2 Corin. 8:1-6

IV. Somebody has to pray. II Thessalonians 3:1-3

-Pray for us.

-Pray specifically Philippians 4:6

-Pray consisantly Luke 18:1,

1 Thessalonians 5:17

-Pray fervently James 5:16b

-Pray faithfully Matthew 21:22

-Pray for two things.

-That the Word of God has free course.

-Protection from those who oppose the Gospel


Will you be the one to go?

Will you be the one to send?

Will you be the one to give?

Will you be the one to pray?

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