Chris's church

Destiny Church
Biloxi, Mississippi 39532

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Newest Sermons

  • Power Of Easter

    Contributed on Mar 29, 2024

    The passion I felt from the heart of the Holy Spirit was to impact every person on this Easter Sunday with the power that was released in the Resurrection of Jesus!

    TPT… For we’ve been buried with Him into His death. Our “baptism into death” also means we were raised with Him when we believed in God’s resurrection power, the power that raised Him from death’s realm. This “realm of death” describes our former state, for we were held in sin’s grasp. But now, more

  • River Flow

    Contributed on Mar 18, 2024

    I feel like He led me into this so we could look at some things that will help us to flow fruitfully & safely in the Rivers of Revival.

    The Holy Spirit woke me up in the night & began speaking to me about rivers. It was crazy, things like swimming, rafting, etc… He kept pointing out that there were right ways & wrong ways to be involved in river activities. I feel like He led me into this so we could look at some things more

  • Trust, Hope & Confidence

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2024

    Everything that builds any lasting value in our lives is going to have in its foundation those three ingredients… “Trust, Hope & Confidence”.

    The world, ourselves & even the enemy of our souls has made it easy to lose “Trust, Hope & Confidence” in anything, including the Lord! Everything that builds any lasting value in our lives is going to have in its foundation those three ingredients… “Trust, Hope & Confidence”. I want more

  • More In 2024

    Contributed on Jan 6, 2024

    We are going to grab His Word & declare it is truth! And because it is truth, I am going to get it in me & begin to see “More in 2024!”

    Isaiah 54:1-5 TPT “Rejoice with singing, you barren one! You who have never given birth, burst into a song of joy & shout, you who have never been in labor! For the deserted wife will have more children than the married one,” says Yahweh. “Increase is coming, so enlarge your tent & add more

  • Dare To Be A Daniel

    Contributed on Nov 21, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    I want to talk a few minutes about making decisions that can leave a legacy like many others have before us. Hebrews says that many were recorded just for our examples of how God can bring anyone to His greatness for their life.

    “Dare To Be A Daniel” Daniel 6:3-4 NLT All through life we hear stories & meet people who have had a life that started or ran into some impossible odds. If you are like me, I love hearing about those stories where all the odds were against them, but they rose to an amazing more

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