  • Dan Cormie

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Dan's church

Braeside EMC
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2K 1J7
(204) 797-7838

About Dan
  • Education: Graduated from A.S.K. Bible Institute, Halifax N.S., 1990
  • Experience: Youth Pastor at Christianview Church in Halifax Nova Scotia from April 1989 to April 1995 / Victory School of Ministry Adminstrator from April 1995 to May 1996 / Pastor of Dakota Community Church, Winnipeg Manitoba 1996 - 2019 Pastor at Braeside Evangelical Mennonite Church 2019 -
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Simul iustus et peccator!
  • Family: Wife: Kathryn / Three Adult Sons: Joel, Caleb, and Silas
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: It's not about me, keep the gospel front and centre.
  • Books that have had an impact: Christless Christianity - M. Horton Orthodoxy - G.K. Chesterton Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis Why We're Not Emergent - K. DeYoung & T. Kluck
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: The only hope any of has of salvation is the substitutionary atoning work of Christ on the cross. On my best day I deserve the wrath of God - if Christ has not already absorbed it for me.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: I swallowed a fly that flew straight into my mouth while preaching at a country church once. I choked and hacked and finally spit the thing out right on the alter floor.
  • What I want on my tombstone: 1964 -
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  • Sermon "Do-Over" - Satisfaction Guaranteed?

    Contributed on Feb 22, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Since 2002 I have undergone a complete theological transformation and many of the sermons posted here from my earlier days in the ministry are; to put it nicely, “A little off.” This series is an attempt to remedy this situation.

    21, March 2004 22 February, 2015 Dakota Community Church Satisfaction Guaranteed Sermon “Do-Over” Introduction: Jesus promised abundant life. This sermon heads off the rails even before we get out of the gate with a wrong foundational premise. What is Jesus talking about in more

  • Sheep Without A Shepherd

    Contributed on Nov 23, 2014
    based on 2 ratings

    The very people who are called to protect and feed the sheep have instead used their positions of authority to fleece the flock, exploiting them in order to make themselves rich and comfortable.

    Dakota Community Church November 23, 2014 Sheep Without Shepherds The metaphorical connection between shepherds and kings was a common one in the Old Testament. Isaiah 44:24,28 Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, who formed you from the womb: … who says of Cyrus, ‘He is my more

  • Deborah 3

    Contributed on Oct 18, 2014

    The topic of Deborah’s leadership very obviously leads us to reflect on the topic of women and the roles they are allowed or not allowed to play in God’s kingdom. This one is about egalitarianism.

    Dakota Community Church October 19, 2014 Deborah 3 The topic of Deborah’s leadership very obviously leads us to reflect on the topic of women and the roles they are allowed or not allowed to play in God’s kingdom. Two weeks ago we looked at Complementarianism; today we will more

  • Give Thanks

    Contributed on Oct 12, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    Canadian Thanksgiving message 2014

    Dakota Community Church October 12, 2014 Give Thanks Jeremiah 9:23-24 Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, 24 but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and more

  • Deborah 2

    Contributed on Oct 6, 2014

    The topic of Deborah’s leadership very obviously leads us to reflect on the topic of women and the roles they are allowed or not allowed to play in God’s kingdom.

    Dakota Community Church October 5, 2014 Deborah 2 The topic of Deborah’s leadership very obviously leads us to reflect on the topic of women and the roles they are allowed or not allowed to play in God’s kingdom. Here I will attempt to present the two most common doctrinal more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Rocky Balboa: A Big Shadow

    Contributed on Jan 8, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    From the movie Rocky Balboa: Rocky’s son is frustrated from living his life in his dad’s big shadow after a heated rebuke from his son Rocky gives this little speech. "You ain’t gonna believe this, but you used to fit right here. I’d hold you up, to say to your mother, this kid is gonna be the more

  • While I Was In Bible College I Worked Part Time ...

    Contributed on Feb 28, 2005
    based on 2 ratings

    While I was in Bible College I worked part time on the side for a construction company as a laborer. One day I was given the job of moving the 2 x12 planks the brick layers use on their scaffolding from one job site to another across town. This was supposed to be a two or three trip job as the more

  • From "Speaking My Mind" By Tony Campolo, Page ...

    Contributed on Jan 2, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    From “Speaking My Mind” by Tony Campolo, page 109: “I do not want to leave this discussion of what goes on with Christ suffering and cleansing us from our sin in His eternal now without pointing out that all of this should provide a great impetus for living the holy life. Every time I sin, at more

  • Who Gave The Call?

    Contributed on Oct 24, 2003
    based on 2 ratings

    Illustration: I worked in a hog-slaughtering factory for a year when I first came to plant this church. The boss’s adult son used to walk around wearing a white hat and barking orders at everyone but none of the workers respected him the way they did his dad. They knew he was just a pretender. If more

  • On The Wall Beside My Desk I Have A 1996 Poster ...

    Contributed on Oct 24, 2003
    based on 1 rating

    On the wall beside my desk I have a 1996 poster size Tim Horton’s Coffee calendar, which I took and had dry mounted, so it would last forever. The picture above the months shows a father wearing a goalie stick and gloves guarding a hockey net that stands in front of the garage door of the family more