  • Michael Schwer

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Michael's church

Faith Community Church A/G
Rock Creek, Ohio 44084

About Michael
  • Education: B.A. in Pastoral Studies Working on a M.A. in Biblical Studies
  • Family: Married over half my life and I am thankful for my wife
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: The Head can only Endure what the seat can Handle! (kidding)
  • Books that have had an impact: Firestorm - Ron Susek - A must for understanding church conflict How to Preach w/o notes - Charles Koller Who you are when no one is looking - Bill Hybles Anything by Warren Wiersbe but especially "In Praise of Plodders" Gary Smalley - Making Love last Forever Workbook
  • Hobbies: Reading and bird watching
  • What I want on my tombstone: "To Live is Christ - To Die is to Gain" Its how you finish the race that matters
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Newest Sermons

  • Hungry For The Highway

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    God has made a way through our wilderness of sin, Weakness of humanity and Wickedness of the World. A way through the worlds "facade" of what it calls life.

    Hungry for the highway Isaiah 35 Introduction [Hook] In the Movie "the Truman show" Truman doesn’t realize the truth that his great hometown life is a façade-orchestrated and created by an evil producer who wants to hold him captive to increase the shows ratings. The movie is a parody of more

  • How Empty?how Full?how Much?

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2002
    based on 45 ratings

    A Sermon which spurs us to consider the condition of our hearts each time we approach God in prayer and devotion. It causes us to examine the state of our heart.

    How Empty? How Full? How Much? Matthew 26:39 Introduction [Hook] When ordering a drink at a restaurant – would you really care how clean the glass was once it was offered to you? (Have two clear glasses, one with remanents of “crud” and one that is clean. Get a picture of water. Fill more

  • For Heavens Sake-Have A Heart

    Contributed on Mar 19, 2002
    based on 10 ratings

    From Phillipians 2 - a sermon about brokeness and a heart set towards the cross

    “For Heaven’s Sake – Have a Heart!” Philippians 2: 5-11 Introduction [Create Interest] Have a few colored glass bottles or glassware. Hold them up to the congregation, explaining that we often view ourselves, as we desire to see ourselves instead of the way God sees the work He is doing in more

  • How To Conquer Habitual Sins

    Contributed on Feb 22, 2001
    based on 310 ratings

    This is part two of the problem solving sermon series of The Fight with the Flesh. Its aim is to offer 4 steps a believer can apply to change his/her mindset of old patterns

    The Fight with the Flesh [Part 2] How To Conquer Habitual Sins Problem Solving Sermon Romans 8:1-17 Introduction In case you missed last week I am concluding a two part message on the Fight with the Flesh. Last week we defined our battle with the flesh as All the habit patterns that we more

  • The Fight With The Flesh

    Contributed on Feb 14, 2001
    based on 260 ratings

    This is a two part "problem sovling sermon" on How to overcome sin tendencies in our life. The first sermon focuses on the nature of our flesh.

    Romans 7:14-25 The Fight with the Flesh Problem Solving Sermon Part One [Introduction] Main Idea (Message in a Nutshell) Read the Text. Just because we have been saved by Christ doesn’t mean Christians don’t struggle with sin. In fact, the reality is, we find ourselves living by a more

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