  • Michael Tkachuk

    Contributing sermons since Dec 9, 2004
Michael's church

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Brandon, *Province/Other R7A 0G7

About Michael
  • Education: Bachelor of Arts - University of Manitoba Bachelor of Education - Brandon University Master of Education - University of Manitoba Certificate of University Studies in Theology - Eastern Christian Studies - Univeristy of Ottawa & St. Paul’s University.
  • Experience: 26 years as classrrom teacher in an elementary school 6 years as permanent deacon 12 years as pastor.
  • Family: Married. No children.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: Both of my parents have gone to eternity to be with the Lord.
  • Books that have had an impact: Mere Chrisrianity - C.S. Lewis The Lasr Lecture - RAndy Pausch
  • Hobbies: Music, capentry, writing of poetry, curling, hockey, baseball, golf
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Newest Sermons

  • Christ The King

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2020

    Paul presents a superior view of Christ as King with a deep understanding of His death on the cross. Unlike earthly kings, Jesus reigns from a cross. God rules the world from a cross of suffering love.

    Bill stopped in at a small rural general store, looking for a bottle of mustard. The shelves were loaded with salt, bags, and bags of salt. Abe, the merchant, said he had some mustard, but would have to go down to the cellar to find it. So, Bill tagged along with him. There, to his surprise, were more

  • 20th Sunday After Pentecost

    Contributed on Oct 20, 2020

    God works in mysterious ways to bring something good out of the worst of what happens to us.

    A Spanish Catholic priest, the venerable Saint John of the Cross, wrote, "Live in faith and hope, though it be in darkness, for in this darkness God protects the soul. Cast your care upon God, for you are His, and He will not forget you. Do not think that He is leaving you alone, for that more

  • 18th Sunday After Pentecost

    Contributed on Oct 12, 2020

    After worked hard all night and catching no fish, Simon Peter was ready to quit. But, when he followed Jesus' instructions, he made the catch of his life!

    Work is something most living creatures understand. For those who are still in the work force, have you ever asked yourself whether you work to live or live to work? There is a big difference between working to live and living to work. Working to live gives you the money you need to put a roof over more

  • 19th Sunday After Pentecost

    Contributed on Oct 11, 2020

    Jesus introduced his followers to the most unusual aspect of life. He taught them about a way to love others with no concerns for themselves. Jesus showed them unconditional love in rescuing fallen women, helping enemy soldiers, and associating with sinners.

    In 1984 a British-American rock band, Foreigner, released a song entitled “I Wanna Know What Love Is.” A High school senior believed he knew what love is. So, this young man said to his father at breakfast one morning, "Dad, I'm going to get married." "How do you know more

  • Christ, Lover Of Mankind

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2020

    When the Church calls God the "lover of mankind," the feast we celebrate today, she upholds a vital truth about humanity.

    When the Church calls God the "lover of mankind," the feast we celebrate today, she upholds a vital truth about humanity. God loves us more than we can imagine. When God made humans, He made us incapable of terminating that love. Nothing can destroy that love since He formed us as a more

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