Samuel's church

Centro Cristiano Metropolitano
Kissimmee, Florida 34741

About Samuel
  • Education: I studied in the Assembly of God Institute and graduated with honors. Also, I have a degree in Education. I am also the chaplain for the Haines City Police Department. And hold a credential as a Certified Pastoral Manager from Clergy U. I have received a Doctor of Theology degree from Windsor College.
  • Experience: I have been a pastor for 27 yrs together with my beloved wife. I have pastor three churches. The Centro Cristiano Metropolitano in Brooklyn, New York. Christian Metropolitan Center, Loughman, FL, and Tabernaculo de Vida A/D in Kissimmee, FL. Then again I am pastoring Christian Metropolitan Center.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I want to encourage everyone looking at my sermons to see the words that might speak to their lives. Because just one word from God can change the world.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: T.D. Jakes sermons for pastors.
  • One of my favorite illustrations: A child and his father build a little boat. Once they try it in the waters, the river takes it away and the child loses his little boat. Three months later he sees his little boat for sale in a store in town. He speaks to the salesperson and says that the boat he was selling belongs to him. The salesperson said, if you want this boat you must pay for it. So, the boy goes over to his father and asks him to give him money to buy the boat. The father agrees. Once the child buys the boat and says to his little boat; "Now, you are mine twice. One because I created you and the second because I bought you."
  • Family: I have been married for 40 yrs. My wife Myrna is one of my Pastors and my son Samuel Jr. is the Music Director. My son Eric is our Media Ministry Director for the church. We have a church of approximately 150 people on Sunday service.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: My mother past away in 2006. My father loves all my sermons he is not only my father, but my best friend. My father past away on May 28, 2012.
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: She is my critic.
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: As long as you give the glory to God. You will never run out of pulpits to preach from.
  • Books that have had an impact: The life of John Wesley.
  • Hobbies: I like to play chess, read and play handball.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Re think your life over before you continue living it that way.
  • Something funny that happened while preaching: As I was preaching in Brooklyn, N.Y. there was a 3 step stool to get to the altar, but it was not nailed to the altar. It was just placed by the altar. And, as I tried to come down from the altar, under the fire of the sermon, I stepped to the edge of the stool and the stool flipped and I fell right by the first pews of the church.
  • What I want on my tombstone: All the glory belongs to GOD! I am not dead. I am in heaven!
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Newest Sermons

  • La Autoridad Del Creyente

    Contributed on Jul 14, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    Tu como hijo de Dios tienes una autoridad que El te ha dado. No tienes que vivir derrotado. Dios te ha dado el triunfo. Vence y no seras vencido.

    Tema: La Autoridad del Creyente Pastor Samuel Malavé Registro Biblico: 19. Y cual la supereminente grandeza de su poder para con nosotros los que creemos, segun la operación del poder de su fuerza, 20. la cual operó en Cristo, resucitándole de los muertos y sentándole a su diestra en los more

  • El Poder De La Lengua

    Contributed on Jan 2, 2003
    based on 165 ratings

    Lo que tu hablas tiene el poder de construir o destruir. Aprendamos a hablar para ser bendecidos. Las 10 clases de lenguas diferentes.

    TEMA: EL PODER DE LA LENGUA Registro Biblico: Proverbios 18:20-24////Lucas 6:45 Introducción: ¿Sabias tu que cada palabra que sale por tu boca tiene tal poder que con ella puedes traer bendición ó maldición? Puedes edificar o destruir. ¿Sabias tambien que cada palabra que sale port u boca more

  • No Mueras Con Tus Enemigos

    Contributed on Jan 2, 2003
    based on 85 ratings

    El Sermon trata de como muchas personas quieren verte fracasar. Pero, tu no puedes fracasar y hay una forma de como no morir con nuestros enemigos.

    NO MUERAS CON TUS ENEMIGOS Agosto 25, 2002 Registro Biblico: Jueces 16:27-31 Por el Pastor Samuel Malave Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David. Estos son varios de los cuales tuvieron enemigos los cuales querian verlos muertos. Gedeón tambien tuvó enemigos y uno de sus enemigos mas fuertes fuerón more

  • Tu, Yo Y Nosotros

    Contributed on Jan 2, 2003
    based on 59 ratings

    Este sermon nos lleva a entender que no estamos solos. Hay otras personas que nos ayudan en ministerio. Dios nos ha dado estas personas para establecer su reino en la tierra.

    Tú, Yo y Nosotros Predicación Por Samuel Malavé Diciembre 15, 2002 Introducción: En la vida nosotros encontramos personas que son lo que nosotros quizas llamamos egoistas. En ocasiones se les conoce por personas que tienen un propio interes y no el interes del projimo. A estas personas more

  • Esperando Una Cosecha Abundante

    Contributed on Jan 2, 2003
    based on 80 ratings

    La iglesia tiene 4 tipos de terrenos. Esos terrenos indican como los miembros reciben la palabra.

    Registro Biblico: Mateo 13: 1-23 Predica de: Rev. Samuel Malavé al Tabernáculo de Vida A/D Fecha: 12/1/02 Versiculo Clave: Mateo 13: 23 Introducción: De acuerdo con los agricultures una semilla debe morir y podrirse para entonces retoñar y dar a luz un renuevo. La semilla que no muere o more

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