  • Bart Leger

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Bart's church

Faith Bible Church
Lake Charles, Louisiana 70607

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  • My True Best Friend

    Contributed on Mar 6, 2011

    How can we respond when we feel like the whole world is against us and we can't see any end in sight. What if our friends don't seem to be helping much? Here we find out from Job how he beat his depression and came out the other side with his sanity and f

    My True Best Friend Job 19:25 March 6, 2011 (The basic outline of this message is inspired by Roger Campbell in his "Preach For a Year #1) This morning let’s look at a man going through a tough time. He’s a farmer/rancher. He loses everything he’s got in one day. The day more

  • Letting God Take Care Of Our Cares

    Contributed on Mar 1, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Chronic worry is killing us. It can affect our daily life emotionally and physically. But the good news is that God offers us a wonderful exchange. His unexplainable peace in exchange for our worry, anxiety and care.

    Letting God Take Care of Our Cares 1 Peter 5:6-7 Does anyone here this morning consider themselves prone to worry? Do you sometimes dwell on what might happen if _____________? Well, you’re not alone. I tend to worry about the most inconsequential things ever. Like what will people think? more

  • It's The Best Of Times; It's The Worst Of Times

    Contributed on Jan 21, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    The internet and technology have given the church the greatest opportunity and means to reach the world for Christ. But it also has given rise to an unprecedented danger for us to be impacted negatively with great evil and perversion.

    It’s the Best of Times; It’s the Worst of Times January 16, 2011 PM “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was more

  • Carry The Message

    Contributed on Jan 21, 2011

    We all have the mandate from Jesus: Go and make disciples. Are willing to give Jesus the blank slate of our lives and allow Him to determine for us what it will take for us to carry out His will?

    CARRY THE MESSAGE Matthew 28:19-20 January 16, 2011 Video: Jesus Is Do you really believe everyone needs Jesus? Do you really believe this book? Are we willing to order our lives around Jesus’ words to us? I know we have a certain way of doing things: traditions, programs, sacred more

  • Buying Up Opportunities

    Contributed on Jan 3, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Are you making the most of the opportunities God gives you to make a difference in the lives of others?

    BUYING UP OPPORTUNITIES Matthew 13:44-46 January 2, 2011 Here we are, our first Sunday together in a brand new year. We’ve had our highs and lows this past year. We’ve experienced God’s grace in our times of grieving, as well as His power and provision on our Big Day this more

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  • A Record-Breaking Knife Thrower Shocked Britons ...

    Contributed on Apr 11, 2005
    based on 3 ratings

    A record-breaking knife thrower shocked Britons on Thursday when one of his daggers sliced into the head of his assistant on live TV. Circus performer Jayde Hanson, 23, was demonstrating his skills when one of his knives hit his assistant and girlfriend, 22-year-old Yana Rodianova. A spokeswoman more

  • Daniel L. Crocker, 39, Turned Himself In. As A ...

    Contributed on Feb 14, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    Daniel L. Crocker, 39, turned himself in. As a Christian, he said, it was the right thing to do. Mr. Crocker lived with his wife of 11 years, Nicolette, 36, and their two children in a quiet community near Dulles Airport in Virginia. He was a warehouse manager and his wife was a stay-at-home mom, more

  • As A Senor Citizen Was Driving Down The Freeway, ...

    Contributed on Feb 14, 2005
    based on 3 ratings

    As a senor citizen was driving down the freeway, his car phone rang. Answering, he heard his wife’s voice urgently warning him, “Herman, I just heard on the news that there’s some nut going the wrong way on 280. Please more

  • But The Tongue Is As Volatile As It Is Vital. ...

    Contributed on Feb 14, 2005
    based on 1 rating

    “But the tongue is as volatile as it is vital. It was Washington Irving who first said, ‘A sharp tongue is the only edge tool that grows keener with constant use.’ It was James, the half brother of Jesus, who first warned: The tongue is a fire…a restless evil and full of deadly poison (James more

  • George Bernard Shaw Is Perhaps Most Renowned As ...

    Contributed on Feb 9, 2005
    based on 2 ratings

    George Bernard Shaw is perhaps most renowned as a free thinker and liberal philosopher. In his last writings we read, "The science to which I pinned my faith is bankrupt. Its counsels, which should have established the millennium, led, instead, directly to the suicide of Europe. I believed them more