Bob's church

Fellowship of Praise
Indianapolis, Indiana 46201

About Bob
  • Education: Indiana Christian University
  • Experience: 3 yrs as Worship Leader of Jesus Is the Word Church - Indianapolis, IN. 5 yrs as a Cell Church Leader at Jesus Is The Word Church. 5 yrs as a Lay-Speaker - various churches & denominations.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: I hope you find something helpful here.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: "No More Condemnation" by Keith Moore - excellent teaching!!
  • Family: Married with one daughter.
  • What my parents think of my sermons: "Well how about that, he was actually listening all those years!"
  • What my spouse (really) thinks of my sermons: Still likes my preaching (God is a God of miracles!)
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Preach the Word.
  • Books that have had an impact: "Good Morning Holy Spirit" by Benny Hinn, "The Cross and The Switchblade" by David Wilkerson, "Ever Increasing Faith" by Smith Wigglesworth, & "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire" by Jim Cymbala & Dean Merrill.
  • Hobbies: Golf, Weight-Lifting, Biking
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: Live like it is your last day on Earth. Praise Him with all your heart, all your strength and everything that is in you. Dance before Him like no one else is watching!
  • What I want on my tombstone: He praised God with everything that was within him.
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  • Committed To Ministry

    Contributed on Sep 29, 2002
    based on 114 ratings

    If the Spirit of God is being poured out on the end-time church, why is it not operating with more effectiveness? One key element is commitment to the local church. Are we committed to ministry?

    09/29/2002 Committed To Ministry * What is God saying to the "end time church" * As Joel prophesied, in the last days, the Spirit of God would poured out..." * So why do we not see churches operating with greater effectiveness? * I believe is in part due to our commitment to ministry * The more

  • Receiving Miracles

    Contributed on Sep 17, 2002
    based on 69 ratings

    There is a position of receptivity. This is not a physical position, but a "posture" within our spirit-man to receive impartation from the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately we often quench the operation of the Holy Spirit long before He has an opportunity to del

    How To Receive Ministry 1Thes 5:19 Do not quench the Spirit. There are many ways we quench the Holy Spirit. Preconceived Notions II Ki 5:1-14 1 Now Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Syria, was a great and honorable man in the eyes of his master, because by him the LORD had more

  • To Be A Hero

    Contributed on Sep 10, 2002
    based on 36 ratings

    A 9/11 message. What does it mean to be a hero? How does God define heroes? This word is adapted from a message by Kenneth Sauer.

    To Be A Hero * Credit to Kenneth Sauer, this is an adaptation from his notes * Def. of a Hero - a person of great strength & courage who is regarded by others as an ideal or model * People have many ideas of what a hero is o Pro Athlete, Business Tycoon, etc * The concept of hero was more

  • The Spirit Of The Lord Is Upon Me

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2002
    based on 144 ratings

    The anointing of God is given for a reason. It is not just for us to enjoy the manifestation in our church services. There is a responsibility that comes with it.

    09/01/2002 The Spirit Of The Lord Is Upon Me * How many have sensed the anointing of God at one time or another? * Have you ever wondered why God anoints us? * Have you ever asked God to pour His anointing on you? * The anointing is given for specific reasons, not just so we can play in it more

  • Lord, When Did We See You?

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2002
    based on 89 ratings

    We miss opportunities everyday to bless Jesus. He is right in front of us, yet we do not see Him. When we minister to the "least of these," we minister unto the Lord.

    08/25/2002 Lord, When Did We See You- - The church today misses opportunity to minister to the Lord - to touch the Lord - to bless the Lord - We must open our eyes and see Jesus right in front of us- everyday, everywhere (Matt 25) - The Word of the Lord is clear for our more

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