  • Dan Mahan

    Contributing sermons since Feb 9, 2012
Dan's church


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Newest Sermons

  • Wherever He Leads, I'll Go

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2007
    based on 27 ratings

    Jesus calls each of us DAILY to follow Him. He is always leading us to new territory, new tasks, new responsibilities and new service. He daily calls us to deeper understanding. Jesus’ calling to us never ends. Sadly though, our response to Him often

    Wherever He Leads, I’ll Go By Rev. Dan Mahan Luke 9:23 “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross DAILY and follow me.” A man was out fishing in his boat, when he hooked into a large bass. He fought the fish for quite awhile, and finally got it reeled more

  • Table Manners

    Contributed on Jan 7, 2007
    based on 44 ratings

    As we approach the Table, let us partake in a manner pleasing to Christ Let us partake in a worshipful, respectful, and repentant manner.Let’s watch our table manners.

    Table Manners Rev. Dan Mahan Luke 14:11 “For everyone that exalts himself will be humbled and he who humbled himself will be exalted.” A man returns from a foreign vacation. He is feeling ill and visits a doctor. Immediately, he is rushed to the hospital to undergo tests. When more

  • Anyone Could, But....

    Contributed on Jan 7, 2007
    based on 28 ratings

    Have you ever thought of faith as busy? Is yours? Will you be the somebody who did it or the anyone could, but…NOT ME!

    Anyone Could, but…. Rev. Dan Mahan James 4:17”Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.” Darlene and I love to go to thrift stores and flea markets. One day, while at a thrift store, I picked up an old children’s reading book-you know the kind with all of more

  • Ringing In The New

    Contributed on Jan 1, 2007
    based on 114 ratings

    Does God care about the resolutions you make this New Year? Yes! Does God care if you keep your resolutions or not? Yes! A look at how Daniel found the strength to stand by his resolution. Christ’s desire is to change your life for the better.

    Ringing in the New By Rev. Dan Mahan Col 3:9-10 “You have taken off the old self with it practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge and in the image of its Creator.” It’s time to make New Year resolutions. Have you made yours yet? Last New Years I made 6 more

  • 1 Sugar Creekinthians

    Contributed on Dec 14, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    An anniversay love letter from a pastor to church. A look at Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi and what makes a strong church

    1 Sugar Creekinthians By Rev. Dan Mahan Philippians 1:3-11 “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. I always pray for you and make my requests with a heart full of joy because you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you first heard more

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Newest Sermon Illustrations

  • Rev. R.s. Jones Was A Missionary To Brazil. He ...

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2007

    Rev. R.S. Jones was a missionary to Brazil. He had many years of Christian service. In 1936, he was retiring due to ill health. At the Southern Baptist Convention that year, this missionary was talking to the songwriter BB McKinney. Jones told McKinney that his doctor would not let him return to more

  • A Man Was Out Fishing In His Boat, When He ...

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2007
    based on 2 ratings

    A man was out fishing in his boat, when he hooked into a large bass. He fought the fish for quite awhile, and finally got it reeled into the boat. He could not believe his eyes. It was a 37 pound striper, a prize keeper. On the shore, he ran into a second fisherman who had a stringer with a more

  • Martin Luther Had Visitors For Dinner One Day. ...

    Contributed on Jan 7, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Martin Luther had visitors for dinner one day. His puppy happened to be at the table, looking for a morsel from his master. The puppy watched with open mouth and motionless eyes. Martin Luther said, "Oh, if I could only pray the way this dog watches the meat! All his thoughts are concentrated on more

  • I Once Read A Quote By Martin Luther Which I ...

    Contributed on Jan 7, 2007

    I once read a quote by Martin Luther which I love: ”Faith is a living, busy, active, mighty thing, so that it is impossible for it not to be constantly doing what is good. Likewise, faith does not ask if good works are to be done, but before one can ask, faith has already done them and is more

  • It's Time To Make New Year Resolutions. Have ...

    Contributed on Jan 1, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    It’s time to make New Year resolutions. Have you made yours yet? Last New Years I made 6 resolutions and I am proud to say that I kept them all year long. I more