  • Norris Harris I

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Norris's church

Norris Harris I Ministries
Lubbock, Texas 79403

About Norris
  • Education: Houston Baptist University
  • Experience: 32years of Pastoral experience 33 years of Teaching experience
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Look at them thru eyes of love and thru the lens of faith.
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: The series of messages I have been privileged to deliver that has had the greatest impact on my life is "The Almighty God Versus ..." Its a series in which the Almighty challenges us to bring Him any problem or power that baffles or defeats us.
  • Family: Wife: Doris Ann Harris Children: Joy, Norris II, Perisseia, Kendra and Isaac
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Get a good piece of meat, cook it real slow, and it will make its own gravy. The late Pastor L.L.V. Jones of Bryan, Texas
  • Books that have had an impact: Preaching Through A Storm by H. Beecher Hicks Jr.
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: There is a such a thing as Premeditated Salvation!
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Newest Sermons

  • When You Fail To Trust God

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 80 ratings

    This message deals with the consequences of our failure to trust God based on the experience of Jacob. Be Blessed!

    It is my contention that the contents of verses 15-30 conveys the conviction that Jacob had a Serious Problem With Trusting God. The basis for that conclusion is grounded on the fact that here was a man, who with his mother, had conspired, schemed and tricked both his father and brother out of the more

  • And Jesus Marveled

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 39 ratings

    This message deals with what makes Jesus Marvel, Smile as it relates to the acts of a human personality. Beblessed as your read and/or listen to this message!

    I want to use this preaching moment to explore with you Matthew 8:5-10 (read). I want to highlite this headline in our little chat: “Jesus Marveled.” Basically in the 8th, 9th, 11th and 12th chapters of Matthew, Matthew is treating the Ministry of the Master to the Disenfranchised. Those poor, more

  • The Sign Of Something Significant

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 37 ratings

    When an Unusual or Odd Event Occurs it generally Signals the Sign of Something Significant about to Happen. Be Blessed as your read or listen to this message.

    Allow me to digress in order to progress. To occupy ourselves with song as we stroll along our way is not an unusual occurrence. For instance: Upon leaving the love of his teenage years during the late 60s, many young men could be heard singing, “I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day; when its cold more

  • How Jesus Views The Instigators Of Sin

    Contributed on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    This message deals with the source of stumbling-blocks and the sight of God in dealing with the source.

    We Need to Talk! As I stand cradled within the sanctuary of these four walls, I wanted to high light this headline during this period of proclamation. We need to discuss — “How Jesus Views Instigators Of Sin.” The Text I have tagged and targeted for teaching is Luke 17:1-2 (read). In1:1, Luke more

  • Faces And Reflections

    Contributed on May 9, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    Our textual script, verses 8-15, sketches the outline of THREE FACES that REFLECT THREE DIFFERING IMAGES. Perhaps if we hush our hearts and focus our lens, we just might perceive our face and reflection mirrored in one of these three sketches drawn by the

    During what has been called the “Sizzling Sixties,” Dinah Ross and the Supremes recorded a cut entitled “Reflections.” That song was about faces and the memories those faces reflected. Looking out her rain-soaked window, she sees reflections of how things used to be. She sees the face of a distant more

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  • The Tv Series "China Beach" Was A Nostalgic ...

    Contributed on May 9, 2004

    The TV series “China Beach” was a nostalgic retrospection on faces and reflections of the Viet Nam War era. It used the song “Reflections” as its theme. Some years ago I would know when “China Beach” was on because a few of my daughters used to exercise their vocal chords with a strange mixture of more